Today at 6:54 p.m. EST, your Valentine from the Universe arrives. The Full Moon in Leo will bring a revelation from the heart of our star system. This Moon wants to show you how Love can -- and must -- transform you and your life. It wants you to see a much bigger picture. Full of the life-giving, renewing power of our Star, Luna is ready to connect you with the deepest and vastest regions of the heart. Even as I type these words, she's preparing to bring the power of the Cosmos to all that you love.
There's a larger than life quality to this Full Moon. Part of that comes from the fact that it's just the first act in a three-part sequence of cosmic events today and tomorrow:
* A transformative cascade of solar radiation is playing background music to today's Full Moon in the Sun's own sign. Our Sun has already sent three coronal mass ejections (CME's) into our star system in less than 24 hours. By tomorrow, they'll begin arriving on Earth. Many people, though, feel them long before. You may be one.
This cascade of solar energy in the amplified lunar field opens us to the huge magnetic changes that are currently taking place on our Sun. Every 11 years or so, a reversal of the Sun's magnetic poles takes place -- and it's in the process of completing itself right now. The solar north pole reversed its magnetic charge several months ago, and NASA says that the solar south pole is ready to reverse at any time. Until then, the life-giving Star at the center of our cosmic neighborhood has two south poles.
The Sun has been extremely active in recent weeks. If you've been feeling disoriented or destabilized, you're almost certainly tuning into the energetic re-set that's taking place in the Life-giving Center of our star system. Just like the Sun, you're on the verge of a re-boot and a new direction in your cosmic journey.
For deeper insight into your relationship with this magnetic solar energy, you might want to do some reflecting about the months of March 2000, July 1989, and December 1979. All were times of especially high activity during periods of Solar Maximums.
* Mercury is about to make the second of his three consciousness-expanding conjunctions with the Sun. We'll still be in the force field of our solar maximum Leo Full Moon tomorrow, when Mercury merges his vibrations with the Sun.
This is the middle of three meetings between the Messenger and our Star, and by far the most magical. Now, when Mercury is retrograde, we can deeply receive the messages our Star is sending to us, and re-write old scripts.
The first meeting took place on January 24, the day after the Last Quarter Moon that marked the begnning of the time of shedding after January's Cancer Full Moon. The final one will occur on March 15, the day before the next Full Moon.
The lunar timing tells us that the new cycle that Mercury and the Sun are beginning over this 7-week period is a whole-brain phenomena. Not only our logical, linear, verbal left brain is involved. Our intuitive, creative, emotional right brain -- the part that's estimated to contain 96% of all that we know -- is in on the action as well.
This Full Moon is full of planetary contacts, which guarantees it will be dynamic, robust, and creative. Two aspects are closest:
* Mars the Warrior is in a creative collabortive sextile with Luna that's almost exact. At this Full Moon, our will and our desire are linked. This is the energy that Thoreau was tuning into when he urged us to "go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined."
* Eris, the edge-dwelling goddess at the far reaches of our star system, is also creating new opportunity for empowering change. She's making a nearly exact sextile with the goddess asteroid Proserpina, queen of the invisible realm where old skin gets shed so that power and wealth can be created. And Proserpina is full of power. For months now she's been part of a slow-forming triple conjunction that's fused her energy with that of her younger self, Persephone, and Psyche, who carries the power of devotion of the feminine heart.
There's lots of drama and challenge in this week-end's energies. With Saturn squaring the Moon and both Mercury and the Sun setting off the turbulent Grand Cross, you can pretty much count on getting just the push you need to engage the power of love.
And Love is a cosmic force. It's the cosmic force that holds everything together. It's time now to trust it, in a bigger, deeper way.