Discernment in a Spiritually Abundant Era – Part 1/3 ~ Wes Annac

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Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm

In this time of heightened awareness, we’re encouraged to use discernment with everything we learn. We’re being inundated with information from the higher dimensions about spirit, our evolution, and the fall of the planetary elite, and it goes without saying that there are forces out there who are bent on using disinformation to cause confusion.

The planetary elite attempt to misinform the awakening humanity in myriad ways, and this is why we’re encouraged to be discerning. Only we can truly determine what helps us along our journey, and if something resonates in our heart of hearts, we can discern it as genuinely helpful.

What works for one might not work for another, and ultimately, we’re the only ones who can decide what resonates with us and what doesn’t. As long as we make it a point not to accept anything we’re given at face value, we’ll benefit from the genuine spiritual information that’s intended to help us learn and grow.

Read the rest here... (aquariusparadigm.com)

Link to part 2/3...

Link to part 3/3...
