It is like you, human being that you are, have come into My Life, a welcomed visitor. I am a genial host. I invite you to sit down with Me. I offer you the splendors of the Universe as you might offer a guest tea. This is hospitality, beloveds. This is hospitality at its best. You are welcomed into the threshold of My heart and into the center of My heart.
Plump yourself down, and notice where you are. It is not possible for you to leave the Palace of My Heart, and why, why would you ever want to?
It is a good thing to know where you are, and where you are is in My heart. You are tucked in nicely here. You warm My heart, and I warm yours. Here, We hold hands, and, here, We roam the valleys and the mountains and the fields and the forests. It is here in My heart where you meet people. Just think, you are as good as the host or hostess of My heart, and you welcome all.
Everyone wants a welcome, and you are a welcomer. Welcome all to Earth. Move over a little, and make room to seat everyone. My heart expands to receive everyone, and you are learning to welcome all. It is easy to understand why you are on Earth. It is such a little thing I ask you to do – to make room for everyone in your heart. This is how you usher everyone into My heart.
First you welcome everyone to the Universe. You are the hospitality King or Queen. From the Universe, it is not even a hop, skip, and jump away to My Heart where, ultimately, everyone is.
Here is your home, everyone’s home, in My heart.
Behold, what you discover quite naturally is that everyone is you! You have invited yourself here! You are embodied here in My heart with everyone, and you see that everyone is One. There is no other. There is not even you and I. There is I. The time will come when all you can see, near or far, is I, God. I am what is named the Universe and you and All That Is. There can be no differentiation. Oneness is undifferentiated. This is an Ode to Oneness.
And you are the Hospitality Director! What a role you play. What magnificence you display. What an easy job you have. You have no list of those who can come in and those who must stay out, for everyone is to come in, and you usher everyone in. There are no tickets needed. You hold the door open, and you wave everyone in until the moment comes when all grasp at Oneness and realize that Oneness is All That Is, and Oneness is enough. All hail Oneness.
When everyone has taken to My heart, then you can retire. You can sail on a lovely yacht in the Sea of My Heart, and you are My heart, and your heart beats in Mine, and your heart beats for Me and all the so-called Me’s there are in the world, past and present and future.
I am Infinite in Eternity, and so are you, so you sail Infinitely. You are sailing right now. I supposed you can say you are moored in My heart, and yet you sail. There are no limits here in My heart. Oneness isn’t limited. Oneness is boundless. It encompasses everything even as Everythingness and Nothingness are already here, encompassed within. You cannot be outside My heart. Outside does not exist. Outsiders do not exist. Labels do not exist. It is all wholesome Oneness in My heart, and here you are, and here Everyone Is, and how happy We are.
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