Did that Really Happen?
May 2014
Blessings My Friend,
How have you been since we last connected, at the beginning of last month?
In April's Forecast, I shared that there would be several celestial alignments that would inspire rapid changes to occur in our consciousness, and that a big part of this change would include a profound purification of our mind, body and emotions.
The Solar Eclipse at the end of April was the exclamation point that closed the doorway to what was probably one of the most intense yet transformative times in the last 10 years.
If you glided through the past month completely unaffected by the intense energies, then you've probably reached a point of great balance within yourself.
However, if you struggled with those profound shifts, know that you are not alone, and that you are exactly where you are meant to be on your path.
For many, the experiences of the last month have left them asking, "Did that really happen?"
The Release
Last month, many experienced the deeply rooted patterns that contribute to the creation of fear-based reality, which promotes separation, coming to the surface more potently than ever. These patterns came up so strongly this time around, right in front of our faces, so that we can free ourselves of them once and for all.
As a result of the massive release that occurred in April, many felt stretched to their breaking points. This might have shown up in areas such as personal and professional relationships, career, local environment, life purpose, and self-esteem.
Repressed personal experiences from the past (specifically from childhood) that we thought we had already worked through may have resurfaced, in order for deeper healing to occur.
The fact that we made it through this most recent intense cycle is a testament to our resilient nature.
After moving through a huge energetic releasing cycle such as we've all just experienced, there's usually a quiet introspective period that follows. This allows us to reflect on what just happened.
For many, these introspective pauses bring out a wide range of emotions, sparking a heightened sense of sadness, confusion, exhaustion, then eventual relief and joy.
Again, know that this is completely normal. When a person's whole world has been turned upside-down, it's a given that an adjustment period will naturally follow.
The key to moving through this period is to love our way through whatever we are experiencing. That includes loving ourselves through every emotion, even if they may not feel the most comfortable.
Entering the month of May, we will have the opportunity to start feeling more grounded again.
When we ground, we instantly align ourselves into the present moment. It's in the present moment that we operate from our most powerful self.
Becoming present allows us to transcend the illusions of time. It's from this space of no-time (a place of non-attachment) that our greatest desired intentions can manifest into our experience.
Here are some simple things we can do to help us feel more grounded:
• Spending time in Nature
• Placing bare feet on Earth (soil, grass, sand)
• Focusing on mindful breathing
• Reflecting on the gifts of our 5 senses, allowing ourselves to fully be present with them (noticing the sounds, shapes, colors, textures, fragrances, tastes occurring in that reflective moment)
• Expressing gratitude daily
• Making time for joyful, belly-shaking laughter
• Looking into the eyes of those we interact with, and remembering that they are a reflection of the Universe
At first, the concept of grounding may seem a bit constricting. This usually stems from ideas that grounding insinuates a fixed or inflexible nature.
By being grounded, we instantly bring ourselves into the present, where again, we are at our most powerful.
It's in the present that most of our freedom is experienced, because we are no longer bound to the past or the future. Consciously choosing to ground ourselves in the present moment leads to a life lived from a state of grace, flow and fluidity.
Now that April's energies have passed, many of us are feeling a renewed sense of urgency regarding our life path. You may be experiencing a new level of discontent with your current job or life situation, and wanting to make some changes. You may also be feeling that you need to "get more done" in terms of your life purpose.
It's natural to feel that way after a time of growth and release. But after making it through what has become one of the most challenging times for many on their spiritual journey, a well-deserved rest is in order.
This will give us the nourishment needed to feel renewed and replenished again.
Let's release the need to "figure out" what our next steps need to be, and just use this opportunity right now to rest, play and lighten our loads.
Everything always works itself out when we choose to move out of our own way, and let the Universe take care of the rest.
Until next time,
Miraculously yours,
©2009-2014 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.
Thank you
Thank you for this. I really needed to hear that what i am goig through is "normal", it's good to know that someone else is experiencing this. makes me feel less lonely. All that you wrote rings so true to me. Thank you also for your adivice.