If you really want help someone in a way that results in the greatest good, show them the way to access their own strength so that they may reach their full potential.
Would you agree that lending a helping hand – either by sharing your knowledge and expertise or supporting someone in need is a win/win for those involved?
After all, it’s an act of kindness and consideration that eases the burden of a fellow human and makes you feel good in the process.
What could possibly be wrong about that?!
The answer depends on the underlying motivation for the aid and whether the recipient is better or worse off for our having stepped in on their behalf. Let me clarify that I’m not talking about sinister motives – far from it! Most efforts to help others are undertaken with the very best of intentions. It’s just that without realizing it, the way in which we extend that help can sometimes do more harm than good.
Helping is doing something for someone that they are not capable of doing for themselves. Enabling is doing for someone things that they can and should be doing for themselves. ~ Author Unknown
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