God said:
You are risen. You do not have to rise up to Me. You are risen, yet you don’t see this yet. I won’t say you are the last to know, yet you could be the last to know. Tell Me, if you could accept that you are risen, how would this acceptance change your life? I say accept, not believe, not see, not know, not experience, not live this state of consciousness, but put aside what you think even for ten seconds and accept it as true, and, feel the ton of restraint, tension, fear, nervousness, and frailty that would leave you instantly and the release, freedom, knowingness, peace and strength that would replace them.
You are already an ascended Being Who has not yet received the message. You were knighted long before, and forgotten all about it. I tell you again and again that you are Greatness, yet your ears are closed. You may be afraid that a joke is being played on you, a trick of some kind. All the while, I tell you the Truth, and you bounce the Truth away. You won’t or can’t seem to let it in. Here I am, knocking at your door, and you don’t hear Me or you slough Me off. Just words, you may think. Not to be taken personally, you may think. Flattery of some kind, you may think. Not anything for you to pay attention to, you may think.
Think again. I am telling you what is so, right now, even if you are unshaven or your hair uncurled, and you’re still in your jammies. All the things you think matter that you sink your teeth into, and, yet, this essential message, you take lightly if at all.
Look, I am God, and I am telling you that you are, even in present conditions and circumstances, a Risen Being. Your identification of yourself is faulty. My identification of you is the Truth, and nothing but the Truth.
In any case, I ask you: What would happen if you did accept this that I say as the Truth it is?
You like to postpone, beloveds. You like to think “Someday,” when today is the day, and the time is now for you to hear the true state of affairs.
What would it take for you to acknowledge your True Identity? What is written on the I.D. card you present in order to buy liquor or cigarettes? Are you your name? Are you your age? Are you your gender? Do you live at a certain address? You are not your name, your age, your gender, or where you live. You have a far greater Identity than any card in your wallet. What proof are you looking for? Is My Word not good enough for you?
Kindly give some credence to what I say. Consider the possibility, and then what, beloveds? Why not swing on a star? And if you cannot even swing on a star in your imagination, then try this: You came from the stars, beloveds, and the stars came from Me. I drew a True Picture of you. A star came to Earth, and it is you, the One of You. Actually, the One of Me. Holy is not all as you decree it. My decree states that you are a Holy Being, and it was a blessed day for the world when you were born. The world is lucky to have you.
Put aside your old appraisal of yourself. No more limiting yourself. Yes, you are on Earth, yet you are not sequestered there. You are a High Human Being. I am speaking to everyone who reads this Heavenletter today. I mean this for you. Raise yourself up to the idea that you are risen. You are risen now. What prevents you from accepting this that I say to you who come before Me on this day?
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