The Radiance You Seek

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From out of the darkness comes a bright light, and that bright light is you. How full of glory you are.
If you fall from grace, it is by your own hand, for the Grace of God is not spotty. The Grace of God is always. With God there are no time limits, and there is no retracting. God gives, and He gives from the conditionless state called Infinity. Infinity is a permanent state. God does not take back what He gives. He does not hesitate.  
I do not. I would not. I do not change My mind. Changing your mind is a human trait, not a trait of Mine. I am strong, and My Word means something. I am not cagey or crafty. I do not make life impossible for you. I do not make you tremble with concern about My Reliability.
Certainty and uncertainty are of the world and not of Heaven. Equivocation is of the world. Mixed-up is of the world. Nevertheless, the world is a great opportunity given to you. There is no other opportunity like it. You may think that entering the world is a blunder. Not at all. Entering the world is your choice. Life on Earth is not a trap set to make you stumble. Clearly, stumbling is a good possibility in the world. Stumble you will. What’s wrong with that? It is not fatal to stumble. You simply get up. Stumbling gives you the opportunity to get up. Stumbling is like an exercise in the gym, only the gym in this case is named the world.
When I say you are a bright light to dawn on the world, you are also bright light that has to dawn on you. The bright light is always on. You may not see your own light. You may take what others see as gospel. I would never take your light away. Your light is perpetual. You are not starved for light. You are starved for giving light to the world and beyond. In a sense, you are a Johnny-Come-Lately. You’ve come to a new town, and you don’t know your way around yet. You take others’ words for everything. What others say becomes your standard.
Others’ points of view are hardly reliable. Others don’t know any more than you do. Even when someone goes under the name of expert, he doesn’t know any more than you. He may or may not know this. You, yourself, most often think you are right. Everyone’s tree is shaken. This is how it is in the wobbly world.
You are on a unique adventure about which you can only guess. What you guess is better than hearsay. In the world, you live in a time capsule from which you look out. Now is your chance to look within and see Truth. No more shenanigans. No more accepting that you are low man on the totem pole. You are so close to your destination. Even in the world at large, you are close to your destination. There is nothing you need but yourself. You are the Radiance you seek.
You are already at a beautiful place simply by virtue of being you. No matter your ignorance or innocence, this world is not complete without you. You fill a masterful place in the Universe. You are not only here to learn, you are also here to teach by example. We are not looking for fru-fru. We are looking for the honest truth. Beloveds, you are the honest truth. You are My sacredness. Come with Me, and I will show you.  
