What Can Be Lost in Love?

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This is an expression in the world: “All good things come to an end.” This expression does not express Truth, not at all.
In the Heaven I live in, nothing comes to an end. You understand this, yes? Life does not end. Soul does not end. Where I am, everything is True and everlasting. Beauty is great Truth everlasting. And love. Yes, of course, love.
Love is Eternal and Infinite. Love doesn’t get any better than that. Love is the expansion of energy. Love is greater than emotion. In fact, love is all there is. Oneness is Love. Love and Oneness cannot be separated. There is no end to love, yet We can say that love is the culmination of all that is. Love stretches infinitely, and, so, all hearts touch. Hearts in the world touch every other heart. And so in language, it is said that hearts are touched. Everyone knows what love feels like. No heart is a stranger to love no matter how cold a heart may run away and recluse itself. There is a full range of hearts in the world. Hearts are much like piano keys that can be played up and down.
I suppose We could say that in Heaven, all notes are played at the same crescendo of tone. We could say that your fingers trickle along the keys the way your fingers might trickle along the river while you are in a canoe. Softly go the keys. Softly flows love on an even keel. Love is steady. Nothing can pause love let alone stop it. It only seems so in the world.
Beloveds, you were made for love and for love alone. All of life is about love. Life is a school for love. Love is the curriculum. On Earth, love can be overwhelming yet love is the sum total of you. It cannot overwhelm you because love is who you are. What happens in the world is more like that love underwhelms you. You and love are not quite in sync. You may doubt love and keep it at arm’s length. What a pity? Love is right here, a hand’s reach away, and you may let it go, not let go as a hot potato exactly yet something like that. You are afraid to touch it, to get immersed in love, as though something would be lost. What can be lost in love? Ego could. Ego will.
Of course, you see love as something that can be taken away, and that makes love less than desirable to you. With such danger in store, you would rather withhold your love. It strikes you as far too dangerous to give your heart away. Of course, it is far more dangerous to keep love at bay. The best thing you can do is to strew your love and let it land where it may. Love is power, yet it is not force. Love bound is not love. Love is not to be tied up in knots.
Love is free and must be allowed to be free. Love is not a fish to be caught in a net. When love is tied tight, then love is in bondage and is not love.
You are meant to be a signal of love. When people see you, whether they are consciously aware or not, their hearts see love coming, and there is a jolt of joy. Love is on its way.
Beloveds, gear yourselves to give love away. Love may seem to evaporate, yet love given is given. If you feel timid about revealing the deep love in your heart, perhaps you would like to think of love as a gift you give to the world rather than to individuals.
Better not to be close-fisted with love. Love abounds. Be bountiful with it.
