In the world, there are the directions of north, south, east, west and all the subdivisions in between. Depending upon where you stand, you see a different view. The sun is in a different place, and you see from one angle. And this is how life appears to you dependent upon where you stand. Where you stand, your eyes see from and your ears hear from. Seen from the east, you have one view. Stand on your head, you have another view. Stand from any of the directions, you have a different view. We could say you are biased, based on the view you see from. Turn around, and you see differently, perhaps even oppositely. Don’t make up your mind and hold fast to it. Be open-minded. Where did you get the idea that you are to hold fast to what you already know and is now behind you?
When you stand in a mud puddle, you may feel uncomfortable. When you stand in the Ocean, you are exhilarated and want more. When you stand in the Ocean of True Life, Life Deep in Truth with Me, God, you are in Infinity. You do not age. There is much less wear and tear on you. In any case, from My vantage, aging is a lovely thing. Aging pins medals on you. You continue to climb a mountain to the top. You keep climbing.
In so many ways, I tell you that life in the world is not marked in stone. Nor is your view closed shut. Your opinions are not absolutes. Even as you hold your opinions tightly in your fist, they fade, they change, they grow. Renovate your opinions.
Why do you hold on so tightly to your old consciousness? As you travel in time, you are not supposed to stay the same. You are not meant to be a still photo taken in the same position at a later date. You are to be a movie reel in which you progress. At the end of the movie, you are not on one track, for you are a person who grows. You stand on shifting sands. No one said you are to establish a perfect balance and stay there. No, you are an explorer. As you travel through life and see new sights, you leave your old ways behind. Your eyes open wider. You have broader vision. Welcome your growth. You were born to grow. You were born to make progress. You were not born to dig in and keep everything as it was.
If I have a mandatory commandment, it is to let go. Let go of the past. When you reach a plateau, this is your sign to keep moving. Understand, if you are unable to walk or to walk far, or even if you are bedridden, your opportunities for growth are offered to you just the same. In one room, you have an entire view of the world. You have sunlight and moonlight.
What would We call this progress? Internal growth? Growth of understanding? A change in position, your mind from fixed to moving? You have to be climbing to where you have a higher vista. Your purpose in life is definitely not to stagnate. Well, I suppose you could grow from stagnation too. You would learn not to stay the same.
Learning is not the same as taking lessons. Learning is by itself. You are the one who learns new things. Ultimately, you are your own teacher. From anyone, you can learn, yet you are the learner, and you are a teacher. You are not a passive receptor. You are your own mover in life.
You take a stance in life that is ever-changing because you are a human being who grows. You were born to grow.
Don’t waste your time on ruing and regretting. Simply go on. Keep going. Keep growing.