How are you today? Why not be fine and dandy! Are you not alive and living in the world? Truly, life on Earth doesn’t have to be a hardship. Will there be storms? Yes, there are storms, and you ride out the storms. You always weather what life brings. When you are in a tunnel, there is always an end to it. When you have blinders on, you can take them off, or they will come off by themselves or they are torn off. Life changes.
When you are wounded, do you not heal?
Life on Earth is not always a piece of cake. True enough. Regardless, you can be fine and dandy. The thing is that you are fine and dandy. The last time I looked, you are doing fine even as you may not see the forest for the trees, even as you may see only so far as you can see.
You have been told to live in the present, in this very moment. In this very moment, you are okay. You get into trouble when you look to the past and when you look to the future. You can’t live in the past, and you can’t live in the future. Any time you spend in the past, there is memory, and you feel either longing or you feel regret. Life moves fast, and you are to move with it.
Living in the future is either longing or fear and doubt. By golly, you have to let go of the past. Desire the future. Look forward to it. Don’t worry about it as you often do, all the what if’s. Desire what you desire and not hold on to it so tight. Do not add worry of the future to your life. The future will come to you as it comes. Be open.
Is not life an adventure? Isn’t your life a great adventure? Right where you are is plenty of adventure. You cannot forcibly set the parameters or perimeters of life. Life has its own pace and direction to go in. Life seems to be certain about itself while you waver, anyway.
Of course, you have influence on your life, yet you don’t have all influence on your life. Look, you can’t fight with what has occurred because it has already occurred. Nor are you to fight with future and insist that the future deliver to you what you want. Life has its own agenda.
Within all that occurs, the bitter and the better, there is something within it from which benefit will come. You may well not see it. You may not like what has happened, and you may not see any benefit from it, yet it is there. You may never see the good from it in this lifetime because you do not see far enough down the road. You have your own perception and misperception. Too often you are short-sighted.
There is meaning to everything in life, even when you don’t get the meaning. Nothing is for nothing. Everything is for something.
What you see as tragedy in life is not the end of you. You already know that so-called death is not the end of you. Nothing is the end of you. You are riding in a train that keeps going. You are riding on a Heaven train, beloveds.
You are a new person. You are not who you used to be. You have grown, and you are growing ever Heavenward.
Life is opportunity for growth. Life is a gift to you. You do not always appreciate a gift that is given to you. Start appreciating your gift of life. It is a gift. It is a privilege. Whatever you may think, you are lucky to be alive. Life isn’t going your way? That’s okay. Life has its will with you. Life means you no harm. What you see does not have to be called harm. You are the identifier of what your life is. Identify anew.