In your heart I abide. I am always right here within your beating heart. You can always find Me here, for, deep within your heart of gold am I.
I am not isolated on top of a mountain. Where I am, are you. We can put it differently and say that wherever you are, am I. It makes no difference how We say it. We do not exist without the other, the so-called other, the so-called other who stands across from Us or above or under the threshold of Our hearts. One heart beats. Is it yours or Mine? Who can tell? You can never figure it out because there is no really separate heart beating in the wilderness somewhere.
If wilderness means without God, then, there is no wilderness. If wilderness means without you, that, also, is not possible. It is not possible, yet the world has perceived it this way. You have been perceived as you alone, you all alone. I am not hidden. From My heart, you are never missing. So what is this hullabaloo? I, God, am never away from you, and you cannot be away from Me except in your awareness. Well, then, get a new awareness.
I look into your eyes, and I see a reflection of Myself. Look into My eyes, and you will see a reflection of your Self. You need look no further. This is it. There is no solitary. There is no aloneness. It is a myth that perpetuates a search for Me when I am already stationed in your heart. Look no further. I am your Innermost Being. I never left your heart, nor yours Mine, the One Heart.
It doesn’t matter what the world makes of you or what the world makes of Me. I am what I am, and so are you. There is no changing the Truth of you. You may do a song and dance and put on the costume of a ruffian, and, still, that makes no difference at all. Anyone can proclaim you or Me as anything at all. Proclaiming Our Identities does not affect Our Identity, for there is One Identity no matter what you say. God is One, and you are One with Me as well. No one is outside Me or outside My Love. Whether you obey or not obey, whatever obey means or does not mean, My love goes out to you and reaches you.
You may not, however, have gotten to pick up all the packages that may be delivered to your door through the post office. There are packages that may be waiting for you, and they will wait. And one day, you will pick them up and open them. You may have been desiring a certain package. You may have been screaming for it! All the time, it was right there, waiting for you to see it and open it. Open your heart -- and here I AM right where you always wanted Me.
Beloved, I have never been anywhere else. I understand that you have felt forlorn. I understand very well. You denied My Presence. You thought you were without God, that I had abandoned you, or mistreated you, and certainly you were certain that I didn’t understand you. If I did not appear before you in the way you thought I ought to, you concluded that I do not exist, that I may have existed for others, yet not for you. You convinced yourself of what could not possibly be true. You believed your own propaganda and called God absent and declared the impossible real and the Truth non-existent.
You can call that exercise to a halt now. Enough bluster, beloveds. Pause. Rewind. Play that tape again. Let Me come into focus in your eyes and your heart. I am here. I am here. I have never been anywhere else but right here. I wave My arms so that you will notice Me right here where I AM. See Me calling to you and know Me as your very Self.