Youth In Revolt: America Rises Up Against Police State And Drug War

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Young people are tired of the police state that America has transformed into following the passage of the Patriot Act. The true implications of the Patriot Act, which was passed following the 9/11 attacks, are now being showcased in Ferguson, MO and all over the country in a small town near you.

Militarized police forces that see the US public as the enemy now have the weapons to wage war on American streets.

This militarized mentality has spread among the police thanks to the post-9/11 all-encompassing national security state that the U.S. has become. Every move is recorded by the NSA, police locking people away for victimless crimes, cops gunning unarmed people down in the street; these are all symptoms of authoritarianism. The battle in Ferguson, ignited by the killing of Mike Brown, has kicked off a national movement of young people willing to challenge this police state.
