I speak in Silence. You understand this, don’t you? It is not even that I have a thought. I am Beyond Thought. Yet, you are meant to hear My Words that arise as if from a fountain. My love radiates. You would say My love vibrates energy. From this energy, those that feel the light tremor construe or translate My energy into thoughts. That’s how it is that I come across to you in language and even many various languages at one time. So, yes, I am an energy that vibrates. I vibrate love. I cannot help it. I am Love, and I do not argue with it. I do not fault it. I do not question it. I accept it.
You are of the same vibration, yet you question your capacity and think too much perhaps about repercussions and a chain of possibilities. Receive My love and allow My love to flow. It will envelop you. It will envelop the world. You will be inundated in My love, and you will flourish and grow in it.
It’s all here. All My love. It is yours. You cannot hoard it, however. You have all of it, yet it does not belong to you. You are a transmitter of My love. You are a teletype machine of My love. In that sense, you are the instrument through which My love passes. My love passes through you out to the world and everyone in the world whether they know it or not. There are no boundaries to My love that pass through you like rays of the sun. There is no down-side to My love, and there is no keeping it to yourself. You are not to sequester My love or file it or put it in a bank vault.
The love I give has to be passed on right away. My love is meant to be smooth-flowing, not held aside or stored for another day. There is plenty of My love for all. My love is not to be stored, for then it becomes a possession, and you may forsake your transmission of it.
My love, the love I give, has no demarcations. There is no fine print. No instructions come with My love except to follow My example and give it away. It doesn’t have to be earmarked. It just has to be sent on its way. Love is manna from Heaven. Love becomes stale unless it moves right along. You are a dispenser of My love, yet you are not the chooser of where My love goes, you understand. It is not your choice to set it aside or earmark it.
That does not mean that you fall all over trying to disseminate My love. No one has to stand in line or have a ticket to claim My love forwarded through you. There is no label that accompanies My love. Sender: God. Recipient: Everyone.
I hear you think: “Good old God knows what He is doing.”
I know what I am doing.
When you pick up words from Me, that is My love in words.
When I send you people, that is My love in people.
When I send you material gifts, that, too, is My love in material gifts.
The main thing is the Essence of My Love.
Here is what you have to know: Whether seen or heard or noticed or not, there is not one moment in which I am not sending all My love to you. I give you an Infinity of Love. I do not know how to give less. I couldn’t give you less love if I tried. There is no effort on My side. This is the natural flow of God and Nature. It is inevitable that My love will flow to you and so through you. You are a transmitter of My love. So transmit.