By Kathy Biehl
January signals right out of the gate that this month — and this year — are vastly different from what we’ve experienced lately. Buoyant and brimming with possibility, this phase encourages coming into being, for a change, instead of coming apart.
Optimism and drive descend with the last chime of midnight on the 1st and propel us into a weekend of enlightened, and ultimately grounded, shape-shifting. Along the way, we could go overboard on resolutions, visions for living on a grander scale, and the immediate schedule taking shape.
A new sense of self is emerging from the pressures of late December 2013 and April, September and October of 2014, without the emotional charge of those times. Intense influences are working us over once again, as the Sun links to cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto, and the Cancer Full Moon of the 4th awakens the pull and emotions of last April and our journey since then.