Those weary of politics as usual in the nation’s capital can consider this less-traveled road manned by one Stephen Bassett, a registered lobbyist and activist who has not given up his pursuit of aliens, as in the extraterrestrial variety. On Wednesday, Mr. Bassett heads to the National Press Club to make his case for “disclosure” — a formal acknowledgment by the U.S. government that it has withheld information for decades about the presence of the otherworldly set on these shores and elsewhere. He also seeks a congressional hearing on the “truth embargo,” and now says he has a variety of military and political witnesses “of rank and station” ready to testify.
Mr. Bassett has had a dress rehearsal of sorts. Last year, he staged his own public hearing on the extraterrestrial question, drawing 42 witnesses and a planning committee that included six former lawmakers. He sent a DVD of the event, also staged in the National Press Club, to all members of Congress that outlined concerns over secrecy and the possibility that unusual technology might be in the mix. Mr. Bassett also has filed several public petitions demanding disclosure through the White House’s “We the People” project. One is active, and another drew enough signatures to warrant an official response.