Freebound - Lana Ishka - site ©
There is a major unfolding of events assisting in the evolution of humanity at this time.. even though it may not seem like a huge grandiose gesture, from a higher perspective, it is radically changing the course of humanity as we know it. Many people are experiencing an "awakening" or "expansion" or "ascension" whatever label is chosen, essentially, people are coming to realize that we are way more than what we are taught we are, that there is a higher meaning to life. Individuals are re-remembering that there is vast wisdom within themselves, and that this is the key to unlocking all the wisdom of the universe. We all have a part to play in this amazing transformation and evolution of our humanity.
More people are awakening to the realization that as humans on planet earth, we came here as souls to inhabit these human bodies to put ourselves into the third dimensional plane of duality to learn and evolve as souls.