Nothing is important, and everything is important. To the human mind, however, some matters are more important than others.
Death seems singularly important to you, and yet there is no death. I know this for a fact.
Even a tiny thing is important to someone somewhere.
In a desert, a blade of grass is a treasure. In other places, a blade of grass means yards of grass to mow and, therefore, a burden or perhaps a livelihood.
This goes to prove that everything in the world is relative. To many or most of My children, the idea of the world’s not being as you see it, is hard to swallow, for in so many ways you think the world is fixed and inviolate. You and the world are changing every moment, often back and forth, going here, going there, and not certain at all. Nevertheless, you think you know what is truth and what is good and what is bad, and so you judge every day. Judging seems to be normal for you.
You may agree that it is better to judge not, yet you judge left and right. You are certainly judging yourself and others. Sometimes you condemn. Sometimes you applaud, yet always you are trying to sift the world into good and bad, favorable or unfavorable. To live on Earth often seems like a double bind.
This is not to say that what you think and feel are unimportant. What you think and feel are of the utmost important. How you think and how you feel rule the world. Your perception makes all the difference in the world. You are entitled to your own perception. Through your perception, you conceive the world. To you, the world may be lovely one day and tiresome the next or even cruel. Just know that how you think and feel contribute to what the world appears as tomorrow.
One person comes out of the theater and says: “That was such a wonderful play.” Another person comes out the theater and says: “I never was so bored in my life,” or says: “I couldn’t make any sense of that one. I didn’t get what they were talking about.”
Do these comments tell you more about the play or the person?
When you are grumpy one day and cheerful the next, what does this tell you more about? the day or you?
And whom do you listen to, beloveds?
There is Truth, and there is that which you believe to be true. There is a different kind of recycling in the world. Recycled thoughts. Passed on from one person or group to another person or group.
The world changes before your very eyes. You may not see this because you don’t see what is in front of you but what you have been told to see and believe in or try to believe in. It is true that you do not see what is right in front of you, and you hold onto your idea about what must be in front of you.
You are not in bondage to the world unless you say so. Come from a place of understanding. Offer the world possibilities. Give it an opportunity to be as you would like it to be. It seems to Me that you keep the world in bondage to you.
The world is yours. You inherited it from Me, yet you may listen more to what the neighbour down the street tells you or the headlines in the paper tell you about life or even what you heard about life fifty years before than what I say to you.
Have some courtesy for the world and how you speak of it. The world is what you say it is. The world is as you see it. You may think the world is unfair to you. Now I ask you to be fair to the world, will you kindly?