"Take note of all the shades of green on the plants. Listen to the melodious call of birds, watch the gentle waves on the surface of the river. Submit fully to the beauty of nature! Watch for the graceful, gentle and wonderful plants and animals –they are alive, they exist, just like you.
The singing birds, the trees whispering in the wind, the wildflowers in the meadow all celebrate the beauty and miracle of life. They do not think, do not speculate, they radiate their beauty with dignity and live in the endless moment of the Now. Once you have submerged into that miracle, your thoughts will subdue and no longer keep you in captivity, so you will be able to open up with admiration to receive the Presence.
Be a smiling spectator, because when you smile, you will open up, the muscles of your head will be relaxed, you will be cheerful, and you accept the completeness of the Present. Smile, whether you have a reason or not, because when you smile, Life smiles back to you.
You will be open, receptive, a part of the flow of the life, and you will feel that you are alive, you live in the Present." Ervin K. Kery
~From the book Ervin K. Kery & Frank M. Wanderer: The Miracle of Consciousness. Explore your Real Self!