One phase closes, and a huge door opens

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This week we find ourselves at the end of a major astrological chapter, and at the beginning of a major new one. Since June 2012, Uranus has squared off with Pluto not once, but 7 times. Both these guys are transformation specialists.

Working in tandem, Pluto acts kind of like a building inspector, going through a high-rise building, entering every room from top storey to basement, inspecting, checking things off on his clipboard. Pluto likes everything functioning at optimum power. If there is anything amiss, anything not in alignment with occupational health and safety standards, anything a bit dodgy or untoward going on, if the foundation is not solid, or if the walls were created using low-quality plaster, Pluto will not hesitate to make a note on his bit of paper: Marked for demolition! Needs an upgrade and refurbishment!  Light wattage to be increased!

He calls in Uranus, the trigger-happy electrician/explosives expert. Uranus opens his coat and asks 'What do you need? I've got new wires for re-wiring, I've got sparks for extra shocks, and I've got dynamite if you want the whole shebang to come tumbling down."

Pluto issues his directions and the rest is, well, what is now your history of the last almost 3 years.

Depending on where these Uranus/Pluto meetings were happening in your personal natal chart (I have included a list below of the signs/degrees), you may or may not have been consciously aware of what exactly in your life - inner and/or outer - was being transformed. For some it may have been subtle, for others extremely direct, but we've all experienced this influence on some level because we all have the related signs/degrees somewhere in our chart. (You can get a free chart at

As we pop out the other side of the final 7th meeting, it may only be now that you can look back in hindsight, look at the dates below (even if you don't know your chart specifics) and ask yourself: What was going on during those times? And what theme has been playing out over this period? 

You may find that something quite specific started to play out mid 2012, that has gone through several metamorphosis's and shifts. You may also feel, or will soon, that whatever was playing out has come to a final conclusion, a final resolution or realisation. Perhaps a full circle moment has happened. Something that was out of balance is now balanced or coming into balance in a clearer way. Something that needed addressing has been acknowledged. A healing or outcome that perhaps wasn't possible before is now possible. A particular story of your life is now being put to bed, and you can move forward in a new way: transformed, with a new feeling of power in some way. All of these things are examples of how we may feel in this 'After' phase of this series of alignments.

Uranus Square Pluto Exact Alignment Dates 2012-2015

    June 24, 2012: Uranus 08° 23' Aries/ Pluto 08° 23' Capricorn
    Sept 18, 2012: Uranus 06° 57' Aries, Pluto 06° 57' Capricorn
    May 20, 2013: Uranus 11° 14' Aries, Pluto 11° 14' Capricorn
    Nov 1, 2013:    Uranus 9° 26' Aries, Pluto 9° 26' Capricorn
    April 21, 2014: Uranus 13° 34' Aries, Pluto 13° 34' Capricorn
    Dec 14, 2014: Uranus 12° 35' Aries, Pluto 12° 35' Capricorn
    March 16, 2015: Uranus 15° 18' Aries, Pluto 15° 18' Capricorn

Now, as they say as one door closes another one opens and as timing would have it, this Friday we have the opening of a huge door: The New Moon Solar Eclipse on 29° 27' Pisces, a whisper of a hair away from 0 degrees Aries which represents the beginning of the astrological wheel, is immediately followed by the 21 March Equinox. 

Being so close to the end of a sign could definitely represent huge endings for some people, but a) being a Solar Eclipse and b) being so close to the forward-momentum oriented Aries, the ending will very quickly make way for a new beginning. Anything that happens during a Solar Eclipse is one of those destined things 'written in the stars' so to speak, and knowing that can make some things easier to deal with.

Others will feel the push of the forward movement almost immediately. The time period of Thursday night through the weekend is a really powerful 'portal' time, where you can truly set some amazing intentions into motion, and receive clear insights as to the best directions and actions to take. Sit down with your journal or meditate for 10 minutes each of those days for maximum benefit.

What has your Uranus/Pluto theme been?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2015
