"WE" the creators of this universe

ujjwal dubey's picture

‘WE’ is a blend of self awakening (Buddhist views on meditation) and quantum mechanics. EXISTENCE: Emptiness and Origin Quantum believes “all matter originates and exist only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of atom together.” Atoms have 99.99% empty space. Every particle originates from a quantum field giving rise to matter. If we assume the quantum field with infinite potential as a large ocean, the tips of the wave give rise to particles. Everything we see in a particular shape and size is a mirage. The particles originate from the quantum field and have potential in them. All the physical matter is the result of a frequency between the particles. If u amplify the frequency between the particles , the structure of matter would change. Everything from a tiny sand granule to majestic mountains, are the particles holding each other with a perfect balance of frequency. The decomposition of human body, burning of trees into ashes, condensation of clouds into water droplets is actually just a change in their physical structure due to amplification of frequency from some direct or indirect force. This is the same that our religious texts tell us – ‘whatever we take from nature goes back the same path, the same way, in same quantity’. Nothing actually dies it is just a transfer of energies with change in structure. Our particle body never really touch anything; the atoms of our body repulse the atoms of next object and the repulsion force is the feeling of touch. We never really sit on the chair, we hover over it. Buddhism explains the same concept of emptiness saying – things do not exist the way our grasping self supposes they do. Nothing that we see or hear stands alone, everything is a tentative expression of one seemless, over changing landscape. So, though no individual person or thing has any permanent fixed identity, which when seem so is a dillusion. INTERCONNECTIVITY: Inseparable components of universe Everything experienced has a single connected source. The sea of quantum field holds everything in itself. It is the only originating source of every particle we come across. According to the theory of quantum mechanics, one particle connects to another and they become entangled (start sharing their potentials). They influence each other and no matter how far they are they always remain connected with the virtue of potential they share. The big bang theory explains - everything was initially concise to a particle smaller than atom. It exploded and the particles scattered, but ones connected they remain connected and that is why each and everything has its effect on one another, no one lives by his own self. The connectivity two people is judged and measured by the potential they share between themselves. The emotions we feel are the quantized energies released by particles from one body and received by the other one and vice versa. The more we share our energy with someone or something, the more we feel connected to it. This is the reason why some people feel a strong connection to mountains, tress and other inhuman particles and anything and everything , be it living or non living. REALITY: Thoughts, observation, regulation and the mysteries of meditation All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything - says, GAUTUM BUDDHA All matter originates and exist only by virtue of a force - says, quantum mechanics We create REALITY by believing it. Reality is built out of thoughts and our every thought is like a spider winning web stretched to build reality. Reality behaves in expectation of the observer. Atoms whirling at speed of light around huge empty spaces and particles aren’t physical objects; they are fluctuations of energy and information in a huge void. These fluctuations of energy release potentials in accordance to our thoughts to connect to the particles outside and regulate the happening to create reality. What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning – WERNER KARL HEISENBERG( founder of uncertainity principle) According to the principle of uncertainity : velocity and location of an electron cannot be measured at same time”. It is not actually because of our limits of our perceptions or devices but rather points to very mirage like quality of electrons. The observation affects the reality so much that observer becomes a participator while experimenting it and so when the speed is measured the electrons starts moving with the velocity we calculate and expect and by the time we come to calculate its location its gone away moving with that velocity. The famous double slit experiment to study the nature of electrons, has been done as many times possible and with molecules as big as that of carbon-80 molecule and the result is that our observation affected it. When watched the particles behave e as physical matter bringing out the result as expected and when unwatched they behave like waves. When watched over they have a finite possibility but attains infinite potential when not watches. “This proves that reality does not exist without the mind that defines it.” Buddhism says ‘reality is the projection of mind’. That is why we have heard through ages that true change begins from within. We create our own reality. We have the power to alter it, by interpreting our thoughts. Meditation from time immemorial has been the source of attaining true knowledge. The ‘true knowledge’ we talk about is ‘our consciousnesses. Our body exist at one place and our consciousness (soul) may be present anywhere in the universe. When we find our consciousness we are said to attain true knowledge. Very complex structures are required for consciousness to exist. The theory of ‘kundalini awakening’, i.e., a form of meditation to attain consciousness can be taught as connecting our body to our soul, which we call the meeting of atman and parmatman . According to basic postulates of quantum mechanics, a certain particle can be present anywhere and an event can happen in several, sometimes countless ways. When someone finds consciousness (the particle finds its origin) it can regulate reality. The reality we experience evolves among the probable branches of its own specific pattern. If there is anything that the study of brain of people with mental disorder has taught us is that we have an incredible ability to rationalize the oddities of our reality. Controlling thoughts mean the particle regulate its potential force to rationalize the oddities in our reality and the pattern of quantized memories and happenings. Our thoughts, which are the potentials released, influence the happenings and that is why regulating our thoughts can regulate our reality. Human brain is perfect quantum computer and soul/ consciousness is simply information stored at quantum level. It can be transferred following death of body; quantum information carried by soul merges with universe and exists infinitely and so is said ‘soul never dies.’ We are mostly unaware and unconsciousness of energies within. By the ways of awakening self (meditation) one becomes very sensitive of otherwise imperceptible forces and energies such as those coming from thoughts, intentions (yours and others), emotions, body, psyche and environment. This is the stage when you find consciousness. The brain becomes a universal grasper and senses everything going in every corner of this universe. The particles of the body connect them to particles of universe present all around, as they already were, and starts influencing and being influenced. Sub conscious mind has been understood as having a two- fold nature. One side it unlocks creative ideas and insights that conscious mind is blind to and other side it is seen as raw and untameable psychic energy that wells out strong impulses or repressed emotions that emerge to sabotage individual. Awakening self is clear of all psychological and psychic barriers manifested through addictions, repressions, complexes etc. Sub conscious mind becomes a powerful ally. It gives us signs and information at right time. It is a secret to personal transformation, which happens at a deeper level of consciousness. Attaining consciousness is the secret of changing our reality and moulding the life in the way we want it to be. Quantum mechanics have now proves the old proven techniques of transformation and alteration of reality. Nothing in our universe has an end. Everything is connected and every happening is the result of our thoughts that are in scientific terms the regulation of potential force to rationalize the reality. This force has existence of a consciousness and intelligent mind. WE BUILD THIS UNIVERSE AS WE GO
