What you should do is the following: allow the deeper dimensions of Alertness surface in you, so that you are able to recognize yourself as the eternal light of Consciousness. Then all effort, desire and want of your Ego vanish, you give up the efforts to control things around you
This is a perfectly relaxed moment, your submission to the moment, the Now. This is the easiest thing in the world, it does not require any effort and concentration, as this is the natural state of your existence. To be and to do nothing else.
But you are still in the moment of waking up, living in the world of rock hard forms and shapes. You feel that these words are true. But this is still not your personal experience, so it is worthless, or even dangerous for you, as you are only able to interpret them with your mind." /Frank M. Wanderer/
~From the book Frank M. Wanderer: The Flames of Alertness: Discover the Power of Consciousness!