By Jason | Expanded Consciousness
If your goal is to become more conscious, expand your consciousness, or raise the level of your reality experience all together – one of the best places to start is with your resistances.
By becoming progressively aware of the areas in which you can become/can be made defensive, we reveal the fertile soil for personal progress and growth.
The more severe your reaction toward that which displeases or upsets you, the greater your opportunity and potential are for growing yourself to a new level of being.
The Friends and Family Discount of Telling The Truth to Yourself!
For example, let’s say you have a friend who’s constantly getting themselves into bad relationships, whereby there’s never-ending drama and emotional abuse.
When you try and talk to them about it, even in a helpful, harmonious manner – they snap and give you the cold shoulder for three days.
That’s resistance.
Your friend has tremendous opportunity to grow, should they choose to become conscious and face the issues which repeatedly plague their relationship life.