The Unwanted Guest - Ted Slipchinsky

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You do not transform painful emotions by fleeing from them, denying them, or resisting them.  Nor do you transform them by feeding or magnifying them.  

In truth, they transform themselves; but only when you are ready to accept them; and to affirm, at the deepest levels, that you already are the person you long to be.  

How can a condition be transformed when one refuses to acknowledge or to feel it?  This is one of the secrets to self-mastery; to never wage war against yourself, but to simply allow yourself to be, refocus, and affirm.  Then you can acknowledge your fear, rage, self-pity, jealousy, projection, rationalization, self loathing, and powerlessness; and say, "Hello my dears, beloved ones, thank you for coming once again to help me on my path of liberation.  I do not deny you your due, but I affirm the underlying majesty of my being from which you have sprung."

You then go chop your wood and haul your water; not waging war against the unwanted guests that have inhabited your consciousness, but simply focusing your attention elsewhere, while you accept what you feel and affrim what you are.  Once you have decided within the deepest levels of your being to own your magnificence, the unwanted guests have no choice but to depart.  After all, you were the one who was holding them there all along. ♥


Ted Slipchinsky is a mystic singer, writer and songwriter. You can see more of his work at where you can also purchase his recently released book "Songs from the River". Ted also has a Facebook group The Other TED Talks.
