On average every year about 40-50 million Americans go on a diet and spend over $30 billion on detox, cleansing and weight loss products.
Is it time perhaps for a spiritual cleanse?
Here are the 7 signs that you may need a spiritual cleanse.
1.) Are you carrying around emotional baggage from your past? Are you having reoccurring thoughts or stories that you just can’t seem to let go of?
2.) Do you have emotions that are boiling just under the surface that you are struggling to stiffle down?
3.) Do you feel wronged or taken advantage of by others?
4.) Do you feel guilty for something that you said or did? Perhaps you are carrying around resentment, or are you feeling burdened by regret?
5.) Are you lacking direction or feel confused about what path to take in life? Maybe you are feeling stuck, lost or simply unmotivated. It could be as simply as feeling “off” or not feeling like yourself.
6.) Are you feeling in denial about something or are you having a hard time accepting events as they are?
7.) Are you constantly wishing for things to be different, are you constantly searching for change all the while avoiding your own emotions and inner voice?
If any of these 7 signs resonated for you the chances are you in are in need of a Spiritual Cleanse.
What is a Spiritual Cleanse?
A spiritual cleanse is about aligning with your truth and what you need in this present moment. A spiritual cleanse is about reconnecting to the inner you, and releasing negative emotions. A spiritual cleanse purges all of the negatives that have been sticking in your auric field sort of like cling wrap. Spiritual cleanses are essential in raising your vibrations, and allowing for a healthy, positive lifestyle.
How often you need to complete an energy cleanse is dependent upon your personal and professional situation.