I just had a truly remarkable experience. A lot of things have been opening up to me regarding my soul expression in the world. On the otherhand, in the last few days the persistent cough which I thought I had mastered came roaring back with a vengeance. To make matters worse, because of the arthritis in my right hip, every time I coughed my thighs would ache !
Yesterday I decided to "walk the talk" and apply some of the principles I put in my book, that have worked so well for me in the past. I lay down, closed my eyes, and decided to experience this God-awful urge to cough in the fullest sense possible. This may sound counter-intuitive. I had been cursing this urge for days, feeling sorry for myself, Googling the symptoms of COPD, and bemoaning my fate. But yesterday I decided to breathe deeply into the sensation and surrender to it.
Then I did what my channelled friends had taught me to do: I thanked the symptom for delivering its message and allowed myself to feel that message. It soon became very clear that there was a deep, unconscious part of my consciousness that was terrified of the expansion which my soul was undergoing. I could palpably feel this resistance in my solar plexus (which incidentally, is regarded as the "seat of the soul"). I breathed as deeply as possible into this fear and tried to relax. The fear was so strong, my teeth were actually chattering! It became very clear to me that the cough that I was experiencing was the physical manifestation of my resistance to the energy of my own soul's expansion. It also became very clear that that energy had to go somewhere. Since I was not allowing it to flow, it had turned back in against my body, and was making me cough and wheeze.
I just kept breathing as deeply as possible and allowed myself to be with the discomfort. In a little while the discomfort eased and I became much calmer.
Then this morning, when I woke up, I experienced a miracle! For the first time in days I was no longer coughing or needing to clear my throat. As I started to move through my day another amazing thing started to happen! Joy began to creep into me again! Simple joy at doing the tasks that I had set before myself. I could also see that the only time the cough tried to come back was when I allowed my overactive mind to worry. The physical shift I underwent in one day was utterly amazing. And it all seemed to come about because I stopped running, stopped trying to "cure" something, and just allowed myself to move into the sensation and surrender to the gift that it was offering me. Every time I do this little technique it creates a new miracle. I wonder why I still manage to forget it sometimes.
Ted Slipchinsky is a mystic singer, writer and songwriter. You can see more of his work at songsofmysoul.com where you can also purchase his recently released book "Songs from the River". Ted also has a Facebook group The Other TED Talks.