The Energy of Taurus

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by Debbie Peluso

Welcome to the pleasures of life, the senses, and unlimited abundance! Spring is in full bloom. Our seeds were planted, both metaphorically and physically speaking, during the energy of Aries, and we now see, feel, and enjoy their beauty perceptually. Welcome to Taurus, lover of luxuries, nature, the arts, and the senses. All that we can see, touch, taste and hear.

Everything begins with a thought, an idea, a seed. All the flowers we so graciously planted, blooming in our yards or in pots, originated from one little seed containing the DNA intelligence to instruct it specifically to become a begonia, a daisy, a basil plant, or whatever. Our largest trees stem from one little seed with nature’s instructions to produce a tree yet all seeds have the same basic appearance. Still, within each one is encoded a formula whose source is One intelligence. There is lot of work involved to encode billions upon billions of seeds that make up all of nature, including us.
