A bird rests in a tree at dusk near the Beaverdam Creek Reservoir in Loudoun County, Va. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)
By Clark Strand
What if you could meditate like a Tibetan lama with no instruction whatsoever — and without having to subscribe to any religious beliefs?
People hear a question like that and, unless they are particularly gullible, they assume they’re about to be scammed. But in this case there is nothing to buy — no tapes, no app, no religious agenda that gets sprung on you at the last moment when you’re feeling vulnerable and spiritually open. No hidden fees.
But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a catch. You have to be willing to revert to a Paleolithic pattern of sleep — and that means turning off your electric lights at dusk and leaving them off until dawn. Do that, and in about three week’s time, beginning around six hours after sunset each evening, you will find yourself experiencing a period of serene wakefulness that was once a nightly meditation retreat for all Homo sapiens on Earth. It’s a guarantee. It’s encoded in your genes.