by Paul Lipton
Numbers are everywhere. You can’t avoid them, even if you try. They are arbitrary, yet we have given numbers an amount of power that is disproportionate to true power and influence. The biggest number that seems to control us is our date of birth. This is especially so with numbers after 30. There is the 35 or major 40. Then, you arrive at numbers that seem to have a false power over you, such as 50, 60, 70 and so on.
With each life marker, you may start feeling that there is less opportunity or others might be treating you differently. There is some sense of becoming invisible or just not being included in events of the moment. It is corrosive and hurtful, but so arbitrary and uncalled for. You are not different. You have just lived and experienced more that life has to offer. You are more vital than ever. Your wisdom is just finally coming out of its cocoon. Instead of being excluded, you should be sought out.