From Open Diary by Kris
I believe we all have our good days and our bad days. Days were you feel everything is working for you and days were you kind of lose your hope. Yesterday was one of those bad days for me. Not that I lost my hope, but ... ok actually I did just that, at least that is how it felt.
But on the inside I knew there is something to it. Everything has a reason for me. As one of my favourite inspirational teacher's says: "Contrast helps you to focus." Contrast, meaning, those so called bad days, and actually calling them bad wouldn't be the right term at all, are in your life to help you. I know that sounds crazy. You probably wonder how can something bad happening, can be to my benefit? It is all about the shift in perception. Another good term to describe that would be the famous silver lining. We are so practised to go towards what feels good, and push away from what feels uncomfortable, but have you ever stopped and thought if those uncomfortable, sad feeling are there for a reason? have you ever considered that they are there to help you see something more clearly and get more focused on what you want? Probably not, but..
Lets look deeper into it, and maybe, just maybe you will see my point and make sense out of this. So, you might ask: " You are saying, that good is good, and bad is good? So everything that happens to us , and we label it good or bad, is actually all good and for our benefit? You saying somebody getting sick can actually somehow benefit them? Or, for example, loosing a big pile of cash can also not affect me at all and be good? Yeah, not buying it. "
Now you might think I'm a little crazy, doing this split personality thingy, talking to myself, but that's my way of laying it. At least those are the questions I wonder myself, so maybe I'm trying to explain it better to you, but maybe, I just selfishly try to answer my own questions. Maybe, baby, doesn't matter. Lets get back on the horse.
How often have you heard people, after surviving an illness, say that this was the best thing that happened to me? How come, you crazy person, say that getting sick was good? But they do say so. So there has to be something to it, and I was always interested into what this something is. And the best way to find out something you are interested in is, drumroll, .... Ask questions! I found out the best questions, are the quiet ones, the ones you ask to yourself, aka Universe.
Whenever something, what we call bad, happens, it is Life's, Universe's, God's, call it whatever, i don't care, way of getting your attention. It's like Universe is saying ( my choice of word):" Hey You, person. Slow down. Take a deeper look at yourself and your life. You have to reconsider what is important for you. So you might think that, when something bad is happening to you, I don't care about you, and the whole world is against you, but please understand, I am just trying to help you to see more clearly your priorities and achieve a better life. I love You! I am always there for you, and hopefully one day you will know that. You are doing a great job!" I know I just kind of pretended to talk for the Universe there, but you got the point, right? And by now, you as well got that I'm a bit crazy, so I'll just stop explaining myself and getting away from the topic.
I described just one example here, but it really goes for anything. Very often, what we see as loss, is actually a gain, but it's much easier to see it later, looking back, not when we are in the middle of it. But really you can start asking questions in a midst of sadness and confusion. The one question I beg you to stay away is, What did I do wrong to deserve this? Because... NOTHING. You never do anything wrong. You always do the best you can with what you've got, with the knowledge you've got at the moment. Judging yourself or feeling like a victim, will get you nowhere. That is for sure a sad place to be, so if you are there, just get out. Stop wining, and start changing your perspective on life. Then my favourite question of all is, What can I learn from this? Because really every experience, good or "bad", meaning good or good, holds a kernel of knowledge to help you expand and grow. We really grow and learn more though suffering, so even if in the moment it feels hard and difficult, we can still chose to focus on the fact, that after this is over, we will be stronger then we have ever been.
Learn to trust that the Universe is always on your side. Always supporting you and helping you to expand. Learn to see every experience as a great lesson it is, and really you will live much happier and peaceful life. Contrast is your friend, your focus on the camera. When your picture, meaning your life, is getting a bit distorted, It is there to help you to make it clear and beautiful. If that is not a benefit, then i don't know. Your loss. But I've got a feeling you are with me on this, I feel you got it. And I wish you to befriend Contrast, and enjoy your good and good life.
Thank You