by Kathy Biehl
Here is the Astrology Forecast for August: August is a month of shifting sands. They bring reminders of the past, wake-up calls from unfinished business and hints of what’s to come this fall. It’s a definite, palpable time of transition, taking us from the upheaval of the last few years to the situations and structures growing out of it.
Think of this as summer break between semesters in school. Enjoy the moments of fun and catching up with friends, and deal decisively with the prep and clean-up work that comes up. As the month progresses, the atmosphere will shift from fixed to flexible and hurry us along.
It may feel at times as if you are reliving multiple summers at once, what with the memories, artifacts and old friends floating across your radar. They’re answering the call of Venus’ retrograde in Leo (through September 6), which is summoning reminders of much that was important to you, once upon a time: old flames, friends, and people who were a bit of both; talents and pastimes; jobs; even belongings, clothing and toys.