Doing Yoga Changes The Way Your Brain Handles Pain

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Source: | Original Post Date: June 3, 3015 –

A New Study shows link between Yoga Practise and increased Pain Tolerance

Sometimes, after spending hours at the computer, I have a deep resistance to doing yoga or any kind of stretching. Mainly because my body hurts from sitting. That’s exactly why doing a little yoga is exactly what my body is crying out for. I can’t go from the office to the yoga mat right away; I need to go on a walk preferably in nature, but sometimes to a local pastry shop. Regardless, just getting out and walking helps me re-inhabit my body after being immersed in work that emphasizes mental focus and a certain level of dissociation from my physical body. Yoga practitioners have known all along but finally science is recognizing that a body-centered practice reduces pain and increases overall health.
