Service to the Universe

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God said:

Beloveds, when the world is too much with you and the thought of work lowers your vibration, then think of another word for work. When the word work - which is, after all a thought – makes your heart sink, then find a happier word for work. How you feel about your life is based upon your thoughts.

Then call work play. Call it joy. Call it focus. Call it an expression of love for your family. Call it a blessing. Call work your service to the world. Call work your service to Me, and make the journey light.

If you liked going to school, think of work as a school you go to. That will take some of the weight off you.

If you didn’t like school, call your place of employment your after-school activities. It is, isn’t it, now that you are no longer in school?

Call work an opportunity. Call it a saving grace. Work is, after all, a saving grace. It keeps you occupied. You may desire days with nothing you have to do. In reality, you don’t want a forecast of nothing to do. Being without something you are responsible for may make you aimless or indulgent. Nothing to do may make little things big. With nothing you have to do for any length of time, you grasp at straws. Embedded in nothing to do definitely gives you more time to think about yourself. This is not always a favor. Focus is good. Better to employ yourself with work and fill up your days than wonder what to do with illusive time.

Yes, service is a good word. One way or another you serve. Serve well. Consider service, whatever it may be, as the work you do, and serve well.

You are far more than a workhorse, yet service is a contribution you make. Let service be your choice. Service increases your influence in the world.

It has been said that there is no place like home, however humble it may be – perhaps the same can also be said for where you go five days a week. Consider that you have to spend your whole life “somewhere.” If not at work, where then?

The expression gainfully employed covers more than money.

Now I will tell you another aspect of what you can add to what is called work, labor, routine, responsibility, overwork, overexpending. Don’t take yourself so seriously nor do I mean to suggest that you take yourself frivolously. At the same time, employment is just another part of life. Enjoy life along the way.

Consider that you are at a movie. Observe. Learn. The truth is you are at a movie in the world. Make it an interesting movie, even a fun movie. There is absolutely no reason to dampen your life with work. Better to brighten your life with work.

Write down all that you do like about your work-life, or you could like when you think about it. Reverse what you may not like. It’s good that you have something to get up for in the morning. It’s good that work gets you up and out. May it be a good thing that you can go home from work and be glad.

There is something good in everything, and it is for you to find it.

And when you really absolutely must leave where you are and look for another job, this doesn’t have to be a trial. When you succeed in finding something new to do, when it happens, it’s easy. Know then ahead of time that it is easy for you to find an employer who is looking for you.

Whatever you are doing in life, make it easy to do, not hard. Make it worthwhile. You are not limited by what occurs in life. You are unlimited.

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