We will be having a New Moon in Leo on Friday, August 14th at 2:53pm Universal Time. New Moons are the beginning of the 29.5 day moon cycle and signal a fresh start for the following month. This is when there is no light on the Moon, but the beginning of when the light slowly starts to increase again, becoming visible over the following days. This is known as the beginning of the waxing phase, which lasts until the Full Moon and is associated with growth, expansion, and unfoldment.
New Moons are a great time to plant seeds, set intentions, or perform actions in relation to what you would like to grow or manifest over the upcoming cycle. It is best to do this as close to the minute of the New Moon as possible, but it can also be done over the following 24 hours (click here to find out for your time zone). As the moon’s light grows and expands, your intentions and actions could continue to develop further. How everything unfolds for each person also depends on how one is being individually influenced by the astrology.