SeaWorld Sees Massive Profit Drop: Customers Boycott Whale Captivity

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In 2013, the controversial documentary Blackfish was released. The film was almost like a psychological thriller about whales that are kept in captivity, describing how one whale alone was responsible for the death of 3 people due to psychotic behaviour, allegedly brought on by his captivity at SeaWorld. It’s difficult to imagine walking away from this film without harbouring some serious doubts about the ethicality of attending places like Seaworld, and other parks that showcase and exploit marine animals for profit.

Blackfish Trailer

This movie opened up so many people’s eyes to what being kept in captivity really does to these animals that, as a result, Seaworlds profits have taken a dramatic loss. In their second-quarter earnings statement, SeaWorld Entertainment Inc. reported a shocking 84 percent decline in earnings compared to a year ago. Seaworld stated that “brand challenges” were responsible for the decline.
