The Three Aspects Of Master Manifestation

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The Three Aspects Of Master Manifestation

by Inelia Benz,

In 2006 something radical changed in the human collective consciousness. This radical thing was that the word, and concept, of “manifestation” became known and “normal” in Western culture. The reason was the book and movie “The Secret”, by Rhonda Byrne, which became an overnight sensation.

Millions of people started doing the “manifestation exercises” described in the movie. A multi-million dollar industry was born, with the people in the movie  writing more and more books about manifestation, holding workshops and retreats, and training an army of “manifestation experts” to help the rest of us with our own manifestation skills.  Many of these products were marketed with words such as “the missing ingredient to manifestation”, or “what The Secret doesn’t tell you”, or “why your manifestation exercises don’t work”, “the real key to manifestation”.

The knowledge base around manifestation grew in unprecedented directions and capacity. It has probably been one of the most amazing and expansive growths in human consciousness and empowerment in our lifetime.

If you have followed my work for a while now, you will probably be familiar with two things about me. One is that I see things differently to most other individuals out there, and this gives us all an advantage and opportunity to grow in consciousness, and the other is that I have always encouraged you to pursue and study everything there is to know about “manifestation“.

Why am I so interested that you learn and become an expert manifestor? The answer is very simple.

The reason you are reading this is because you are awake. You have broken through the illusion of life on earth, or how we are taught we are supposed to live it, and are working on yourself to become empowered, enlightened, expanded, and able. It is most likely that you are also being conscious of staying in integrity (true to yourself), being kind to others, and raising your personal vibration.

Now, imagine a million or more individuals on the planet who are working on the same things that you are, and imagine these million or more people becoming expert manifestors. Imagine what they would do, be able to achieve, and how this would change our planet and our experience of life here!

With this in mind, I would like you to become familiar with three aspects to manifestation that are more on the side of the shamanic or mystical dimension of life. In other words, what makes the whole thing work or not work for us, shows us the pitfalls of manifestation, as well as all our firewalls to getting the experience we want in life. These three aspects are simple, yet not talked about or explored by anyone else out there yet, that I know of. I am inviting you to explore them, and share these three aspects with as many people as you can, so it can enter our human collective consciousness quickly and easily.  After you have explored them, go back to your favorite manifestation exercises and do them again.  You will be AMAZED at the results.

The three aspects are:

1. We are all manifesting our reality all the time, but unconsciously and based on lots of social, cultural, religious and personal programs of limitation (and rules).

2. When we become conscious of what we are manifesting unconsciously, and what are other people’s conscious and unconscious manifestations (and how these relate to us), we immediately shift our paradigm of what is “real”. To find out, and become conscious of our unconscious manifestations, just ask yourself “what am I manifesting right now?” Ask this question often and regularly. Sometimes the answer is: “experiencing someone else’s manifested reality”. When we become conscious of our, and other people’s, unconscious manifestations, we then have the power to move out of them, or strengthen them.

3. Realize that when we consciously manifest (make an effort to manifest something that is not in our reality right now), we work within an agreed set of rules. Including that all reality is choreographed and has to have a story behind it. One of the rules is that nothing can simply appear out of thin air in front of us. It has to have a story of how it got there. This includes people and situations, relationships and objects.

These three aspects are probably the most significant information I have had the privilege to share with you so far in my life.  I have recorded an MP3 where they are fully explored, with examples, called “Learn Who Controls Your Manifestations“.  Once you get the MP3, and if resonates with you, you have my permission to send a copy to everyone you know whether they are awake or asleep. The aim is to make it go viral and allow it to infuse our human collective consciousness with the power to consciously create. If you don’t want to get the MP3, simply looking and meditating on these three aspects, and inviting others to do the same, will empower you tremendously.


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