by Debbie Peluso
Virgo…. Oh, efficient, detail-oriented, analytical, and organized Virgo. How desperately we need you to “clean up the mess” we make and to edit the noise of life. Your dedication and service for the well-being of all is the beauty of your energy!
Virgo comes to us with perfect timing. She is, after all, the sign of perfection! As we begin to move from late summer into fall, we find ourselves beginning to pay attention to where we need to edit our lives in order to transition into the energy of autumn, slowly letting go of all the frolicking of summer, the ice cream cones, the barbecues, the lazy days on the beach and move back into work and service. We become more conscious of our health by watching our diets, exercising, organizing a plan for ourselves to detoxify. We pay attention to the details of our lives setting the boundaries necessary to more efficiently prepare for the winter ahead. We direct our thoughts and actions towards our well-being (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). Virgo gives us an understanding as to what it means to say NO to those people and events that cross our boundaries and interfere with our goals. It is saying NO in order to say YES. As Gahl Sasson so eloquently puts it: “Say NO to sweets to say YES to health.” Virgo in our natal charts shows us where we need to pay more attention to detail in our lives.