Source: www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com | Original Post Date: April 14, 2015 –
If you are reading this, then you are well on your way on a path of Awakening. Although, everyone experiences their own unique and individual paths of awakening, there are many common elements we all share…
We all begin to see the World differently than we did before. As we start to seek for the truth, we see through the veils of illusion in our society, governments and mainstream institutions. The downfalls of consumerism and materialism become glaringly obvious and we realize we must take responsibility for the lives we live, the choice becomes clear.
Awakening often comes with profound spiritual implications, as we have undeniable experiences of connection to our Universal intelligence. Signs, symbols and synchronicities show up in our lives more and more, altering our course forever. In the process, there are some Universal changes we must make on the path for our own growth and evolution.