by Celeste Du Toit
There is a Cherokee tale of the two wolves inside us, one evil filled with jealousy, anger, hatred, false pride, self-pity, and resentment, and the other good being full of joy, peace, love, faith, and compassion. So, the question in this tale is: which wolf wins?
There are also two voices within us. Our inner being has an amazing way of knowing the truth. A deep intuition, it involves an understanding beyond words, experiences or what we perceive through our senses. We can put up a facade and ignore it, but that little voice will keep popping up.
However, most people don’t recognize it or simply do not hear it. It is muted by the sounds of the outer life which demands our attention. Moreover, it is drowned out by the sound of that outer evil, negative voice that sits on our shoulders and pretends to be us. This other voice, which is made up of false beliefs, perceptions and negative thoughts may lead us astray, tell us we are not good enough or it can’t be done as well as a host of other untruths.