When you try to conform to what others want you to do or be, you are denying your own authenticity. This is incredibly detrimental to your satisfaction with your life because you simply cannot draw to you the perfect matches you desire if you are not emanating your truth. It is an act that is completely disempowering to yourself and will ultimately only end up with resentment and a deep dissatisfaction with your own life.
Expecting others to conform to what you think they should do is expecting them to deny their authenticity. This is incredibly detrimental to their satisfaction with their life because they will never be able to draw to them the perfect matches they desire if they are not emanating their truth. It is an act that is completely disempowering to them and will ultimately only end up with them having resentment for you and a deep dissatisfaction with their life.
Do you see? When will you finally honour the importance of being the expert of your own incarnation? When will you give yourself permission to be the CEO of your own life? When will you honour and encourage others in their complete capability to take the helm of their own lives? You are all the only experts on you, and your souls are hungry for you to share your unique you-ness with the world, beautifully, lovingly, and unabashedly, because that is exactly what you are in the body, and on the planet, to do. ~Archangel Gabriel