Love is so beautiful in this moment, so nourishing, so fragrant, what about the next moment? The next moment is just coming in, and one cannot be in control of experiences like love. It is a breeze that comes, and you can enjoy it and you can dance with it, but you cannot hold it in your fist.
Hence, the fear that as soon as it has come it may go. But if you meditate on the whole problem... if it has come - the breeze, the love, the joy - existence is not exhausted; it will be coming again and again. And the more mature you become, the more is the possibility of love coming to you. And your maturity will soon be that you don't close the windows and doors to keep love imprisoned - that is childish.
If you close all the doors and all the windows, even the freshest breeze will die.
- YOU GOT GOT THIS - Galactic Free Press Original
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Friday, March 30, 2018 - 11:56 - A Road Never Traveled - The Creator Writings
Friday, March 30, 2018 - 11:56