God said:
Beloved, yes, when life frustrates you, take a good, deep breath. Why be frazzled? There may not be all the time in the world, yet there is time enough for you to slow down. When you feel frazzled, this is the very signal to slow down and not rush. The very case that you are frazzled is the exact signal to change the train you are riding on. You don’t like being hassled, so don’t hassle yourself.
Slow and easy is the way to speak well to yourself. Easy does it. Quietly. Haste hassles you. Be good to yourself. Respect yourself. To think that your own impatience rattles you. If you were someone else, you would treat yourself with more regard than you sometimes do yourself. Beloved, likely, whatever may be bothering you right now isn’t the end of the world.
People who are starving may respond more generously to others than you may be responding to yourself. Lift your spirits. Lift the spirits of the world. Refresh your heart. Hold your heart high. Unless you hold your heart high, whose heart are you uplifting? What do you think you are doing? See bigger and better. Take heart. Serve Me.
Be sure to understand the meaning of giving a little kindness to others. Feeling sorry for someone isn’t the same as kindness. Spare another from your sense of feeling sorry for him or her. Give away generosity. True compassion is greater than conveying pity to anyone. Do you see how feeling sorry for another can be uplifting to you, Beloved? Of course, all are One. There is no other. All are One. Serve, yet not pity.
When you brighten the hearts of others, how beautifully you hearten them.
There are so many good souls in the world. What one good word from you can lift the hearts of All? Remember Oneness. Uphold Oneness. Hearten others. Of course, you aren’t to neglect your own heart. Helping others is one thing. It isn’t noble of you to feel sorry for any One. Think. You may dishearten others by standing above them and giving warnings. Here are two instances of what I mean:
An older woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk and couldn’t get up. A gentleman stopped his car and went to her aid. He was a good Samaritan.
In another incident, another gentleman, believe it or not, meant to be kind by giving a warning to an older woman when he said: “So you don’t fall and break your hip, tie a pillow around you when you go out and it’s slippery.”
Of course, he meant to be kind, yet this was not chivalry. I mean, really. Think. She hadn’t asked him.
Pointing out dangers made him feel good, yet not to her. To her, it was negativity. Not a morsel of happiness was gained in this situation.
What was the man thinking? Was he thinking? In a different world, he would have been gallant.
To this woman’s heart, this was not gallant. It was thoughtless, even insulting.
Of course, in a different world, she would have been gracious and grateful for his good intentions.
In a different world, the man might have said: “If you have to go out when it’s slippery, here’s my phone number. Don’t hesitate to give me a call. I’ll come right over.”
I, God, say:
“O My Beloved, man or woman, make this world a different world. Make it elegant. Make it gracious. Make it resemble a Garden Trove. Make it as Oneness Infinitely desires the world to be. What else but Heaven on Earth to be once and for all to be.”
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