Wow... what a ride that was for all of you.. I thought I would rest for a day and just love you! Before I move onto the topic for the day, a suggestion now would be to take this Monday morning quarterbacking as you look at the last 2 days and when it happens again (yes) enjoy it! No need to get in an uproar... right? You actually moved up a few notches through all that experience... so when it presents itself you can say to yourself and each other "Oh, we know how to get through this... just by being ourselves" Remember the concept of heyoka... that things aren't always as they seem. And keep in mind, which was presented by one of us yesterday... that through this earth experience, there are pieces of wisdom that you know that we aren't familiar with. Although I had experiences on your beautiful Gaia, many of us have not. So being alive in any stage or cage leads us to more understanding of the whole, what we call love, god, source. ... you know them. I want you to remember that it is more "important", beneficial if you will, that you know all of who you are than trying to be god's perfect little children... that's the old stuff, dear friends. And although sometimes as we guide you it seems like that is want we want, the REASON it seems like it must be done that way is simply for you to get into touch of that part of yourselves which is so beautiful. It's all your universe.... ENJOY your creation. I wasn't worried for one of your minutes :-)
Note from Star:
Many moons ago I went through a short but intense bit of depression.. My medicine teacher called me. I told him I didn't see any reason to live any more and I was ready to move on. "Don't ever say that again!!" was his chastisement (he always had a way of scaring me in the beginning). I swallowed hard and tripping over this word, said "Why?" Yelling at me he said "Because you can't have a good cup of coffee, there!" Changed my life... and dearest teacher, I think of you every time I have a hot cup of java... Ho.
Back to Uncle Joe...
OK, thanks, Star, and yes, there are experiences on Gaia that I think about and miss. Enjoy the ride, folks!
Here's the topic for today... the vesica pisces... and the subject is almost endless because it IS how the universe works. So for those of you who are advancing to one of the ships anywhere in the universe... this is one of the basic understandings that is necessary. And there is a LOT on the internet so enjoy and think of me as you are reading and sipping a good hot drink!
I HAVE to tell you first that the truth of this matter has been hidden from you INTENSELY because if the religions taught this or didn't put a lie to it... you would have begun to understand how it all works and who you are... you would have learned it at a young age... and then there would have been no many lessons you have substantially learned.
The Eye of Horus, which is just one of many names you give it, is the design of the cosmos. Here goes in a quick first lesson for some of you....
In the beginning there was a plasmic "circle".... alive....
At a certain time it wanted to know more of itself.
It separated into two circles, but stopped at a certain point so there would forever be a connection.
The "area" which is in the middle, the eye, if you will, is called the vesica pisces - the sacred eye which all the rest has been created through. When you look into another's eyes you are not just seeing the soul, but it is an opening to the universe.
(When you talk with a traditional "indio", indian... they don't want to be called Native Americans, that was another control, they will not stare at you... this is not to disrespect you, quite the opposite... but how that interaction has been twisted... You are beginning to see more of how the controls have come into every area of your lives... just how it was, no energy on it, now...
Back to the Eye...
Everything creates itself from desire and love from and through the eye... peacock feathers is a reminder from the bird tribe...
enjoy, I leave you alone now to discover these truths and to assimmilate them into a foundation of sorts for more "galactic" preparation. And, yes, we are "planting" these shapes and codes and knowledge into many of your dreams.
Have a cheerie day!
Uncle Joe
thanks, Uncle Joe, and now I know why you always had that twinkle in your eyes!
guardian star
Quicky Note #5: Vesica Pisces