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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 6, 2019

If you are finding the energies uncomfortable, we recommend you find an activity that you can be fully present with. This could include being outside in nature, spending time with baby animals or children, taking a drive to a place you’ve always wanted to see, or engaging in a tactile activity you enjoy. This helps you because the presence such activities naturally support shifts you into a state of alignment with discovery, flow, and gratitude, all elements that allow you to move with the energies with the greatest amount of comfort and ease possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/5/2019

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Man's soul consists of freedom. I teach you freedom. But freedom means taking the responsibility, total responsibility for your life, on your own shoulders, not throwing it onto somebody else.


GFP Newsletter - 11/4/2019

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This is one of my fundamental things -- you have to understand I am against the whole idea of karma. It is a strategy of the mind to throw responsibility on the past. And once the responsibility is thrown on something -- whatsoever it is, x, y, z, it doesn't matter what it is -- you can relax in your misery and you can remain miserable. What can you do? You start feeling like a victim. Now the past cannot be changed; what has been done has been done, you cannot undo it now, you have to accept it.

It is because of this foolish idea of karma that the East has suffered so much. People are poor, and they say what they can do? They are hungry, starving, dying, and they go on thinking what can they do? They have done something wrong in the past, they have to suffer for it. A great invention of the priests to keep people in misery and yet contented, in great suffering yet creating no trouble for the status quo.


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Positive Or Negative

As you move along your path, there may be times when you will be tempted to react in a negative way.  When this happens, take a step back, breathe and ask yourself if it is really the way you want to be.  Do you wish to send positive or negative out into your world?  The choice, my dearest child, has always been yours. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 4, 2019

Learning to move with whatever is being energetically supported for you at any given time is a far more efficient system of forward movement than trying to force things could ever be. It is time to let go of the idea that things must be difficult or take great effort in order to be worthy or effective. Trusting the wisdom and support of the flow is the work ethic of higher vibrational creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/3/2019

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When you have seen a little glimpse that you are the creator of your own misery, it will be very difficult for you now to go on creating it. It is easy to live in misery when you know others are creating it -- what can you do? You are helpless. That's why we go on throwing responsibilities on others.

There are people who think they are in misery because of past karma, past life karma.

The whole idea is so foolish: put your hand in the fire now and you will be burned next life. Life is immediate. That's what life is -- immediacy. Life never postpones. You do something beautiful, and in that very doing you are rewarded; not that you will have to wait many lives for the reward. You do something ugly, and in that very act is the punishment; the punishment is not separate from the act.


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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 3, 2019

Co-dependency is attempting to apply the martyred service paradigm to your relationship. When you start to honour your needs and growth in all relationships, whether personal or service oriented, dynamics will begin to change and evolve in ways that support the balance and empowerment of all. It is from there you will finally be able to experience the joyful, supported connections you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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