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Creating A Better World

A gentle reminder: it is time to begin looking past the superficial.  It may feel safe to continue viewing your world as you always have but, with the great changes that have occurred over the past year, it will no longer do.  The Universe has given you the gifts of discernment, understanding and wisdom…it is time to put them to work in creating a better world for yourself and those around you. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 3/7/2021

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Here, you are to rejoice. This is not an academical institute; it is just a divinely mad communion of people who know how to love, how to laugh, how to sing, how to dance.


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I know that you are tired, my love and sometimes you may become disheartened with your Earth Plane existence.  Please remember that you are never alone.  The Universe has an almost imperceptible way of moving that will bring about the perfect changes at the perfect time.  It may be challenging for you to understand and even more so to accept, but know that you are always lovingly cradled and all will be well. ~ Creator

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Keep It Shining Brightly

Within you is a spark, a piece of the Divine placed there before your arrival to aid you in your journey on your Earth-plane existence. As you travel, there will be others that attempt to douse, shove it aside or smother it with unkind words or actions. It is up to you whether you allow this or not. Remember that any amount of love, large or small, will keep it shining brightly. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 3/5/2021

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Do something! Be something! Then your very being will resolve many problems that right now you feel are great problems.


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The Lull

The Universe knows it can be challenging to wait through the lulls and the in-between times.  You have done your work and, until the next wave of change arrives, keeping yourself busy becomes a task.  You are being gently reminded…this time is for learning to love/care for yourself as you would your favorite person.  It can also be about finding your center, preparing and creating manifestation lists.  Whatever you choose to do, do it positively, with great love and it will always be rewarding. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 3/4/2021

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I am a living human being, growing continuously, and according to my growth my answers will grow, will become different, have different colors, will have more depth, will have new angles, new dimensions. I am not a system maker; I am simply an explorer of the whole field of consciousness.


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It is time to put on your manifestation hats!  More change is on the way giving you the opportunity to, once again, co-create whatever you choose in your life.  Just remember…manifestation always begins with pure thought, pure intention and pure love. If these are present, all things are possible. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 4, 2021

Hi everyone! As many of you know, I will be taking some time off in March. Can you believe this is the first time I’ve taken time off from work and the daily messages since January 2012?! I’m actually having surgery to correct an issue I’ve been struggling with for almost as long. Despite my best efforts and many, many approaches I just haven’t been able to heal it on my own and I’ve come to peace with the fact that surgical intervention is required. I’ve been praying for forward movement on this and get this – my surgery date is March 4…march forth? Well done, universe! 😃 I’m so looking forward to healing beyond this issue and shifting back into balance and whole health.

GFP Newsletter - 3/3/2021

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When I speak on meditation, I don't speak about meditation; I speak about my experience of meditation.

Whatever I speak, I never speak without the support of my own experience, and in my experience there is no problem: the Tantra vision, meditation, sex, enlightenment -- all come into one single organic unity.



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