~A message from Galactic Love Reporter Steve Rother With The Group~ Moving to Carbon Base~

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~A message from Galactic Love Reporter Steve Rother With The Group~ Moving to Carbon Base~

From Steve:  In the very beginning of Lightworker the group has asked me place the words “Second Wave” on the front page of each section. The same is true with all of my book covers in English. The words second wave were always hidden on the cover somewhere. They wanted us to have the perspective of where we were at this time in our evolution. The group tells the story of the first wave of human empowerment being follow the leader. In other words, we learned how to work together in groups by appointing a leader or hierarchy of some sort. It was a way for us to collectively use our creation powers and it worked at that level of vibration. All societies originated from this wave. They say that after we pushed the boundaries of follow the leader to extreme lengths, as in the case of Adolph Hitler, we collectively moved into the second wave of empowerment of follow yourself. Keep in mind that this was only about 60 years ago. In this wave of follow ourselves we are learning to listen within first, and then balance it with our outside world. It is infinitely more difficult than follow the leader, as there no road signs to tell us if we are on the path.


~The Giant Generosity of One Broke Kid~

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~The Giant Generosity of One Broke Kid~




This post comes from Kevin Ryan, President of Covenant House, an organization that currently serves 55,000 homeless kids each year, giving them the love and support they need to find their way off of the streets.


I won’t ever forget last Christmas Eve at Covenant House.

It was just after dark, and I had gathered with our kids, our donors, our staff and my family at the shelter. Two of our Faith Community volunteers were playing guitar and singing Silent Night as a prelude to our services when a shadow appeared outside the window, and lingered.

The lighting was poor and it was hard to see who was there. The figure was hooded and hunched over. He stood there, looking in, for more than ten minutes.


Message from the Galactic Federation 12/28/11

Greg_ Giles's picture


We are all souls who have traveled greatly to be here at this time. We are all souls who are here to accomplish a great task. This task has been acknowledged as important enough for so many souls from so many different parts of this, as well as other universes to have journeyed here. There are billions incarnated in your world today and there are millions more onboard spacecrafts in orbit around your planet. What has been deemed the most important project this universe has ever seen is the ascension of your planet and her people, as what happens here truly affects this entire universe. Many have journeyed here vast distances, and there are even beings who have journeyed here from your future. They have traveled back in time to be here, in service to humanity on our shared mission. This should give you some idea of just how important this project is in light of this information. Ask yourself what you can do to assist this effort. Helping to spread the word of what is transpiring here is a grassroots effort that is vital to our cause. Without sufficient numbers of those of your world aware of our purpose and their purpose as well, events must be delayed. We wish to proceed with the first contact mission as time is running short. The ascension of humanity and your host planet is the triumphant conclusion to other important events we wish to begin to commence as soon as is possible. Disclosure announcements and the replacement of your government officials who are mere puppets of the dark cabal is of primary importance, and the sooner these tasks can be accomplished the better for all of us.



~ Solar Cycles & Civilizations ~ How the Sun is Effecting Humanity~

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Direct Download At http://www.ezdl.org

Engineer and scientist Maurice Cotterell discussed his research into sun spots and solar cycles, and how they affect history, evolution, and the rise and fall of civilizations. The Chinese first observed sunspots more than 3,000 years ago, and were aware of their 11-year cycle, he said. Additionally, there are sun cycles lasting 187 years, and 18,000 years, Cotterell explained. Periods with higher sunspot activity lead to increased fertility but also disorders such as schizophrenia, whereas during the solar minimum there can be mini-ice ages, he detailed.

He theorized that creatures evolved through DNA mutations brought about by solar wind radiation-- the radiation from the sun would arrive in narrow beams, so only certain members of a species would be affected.

Ancient sun-worshipping civilizations were aware that the sun affects fertility and personality determination, and the Maya knew their civilization was going to die out because of the sun's upcoming magnetic changes, he noted.Regarding 2012, Cotterell believes the Mayan message has been misconstrued-- infertility, drought, and an eclipse for five days were what was predicted, not the end of civilization, he said.


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www.youtube.com/user/777ALAJE ---- 
ALAJE from the Pleiades, Member of the Galactic Federation of Light
(Spiritual Videos since 2007)
The meaning of Life is to have Love in your Heart****
Love is the solution for everything****
Love is the key****
Be prepared for the Light Energy Transformation on Earth****
Now is the opportunity to evolve your consciousness****
Activate your Love in your Heart and send it daily to planet Earth. 
Use my Meditations from parts 4, 6, and 10 of my Videos.


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