Allendale to Spike ~ 'Focus on the Outcome' 29.12.11

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Allendale to Spike


Posted on 

December 29, 2011

We are on the verge of a massive change in the balance of power. You’ll see the result when we get to 51%. The game will shift when we get to 51%. That’s going to open up a world of enlightened thinking, enlightened people, free people and free thinkers, you follow? A power shift will cause a paradigm change. There’s a tipping point just up the road.


HEAVEN #4053 ~ IF GOD COULD WEEP ~ December 30, 2011

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Heaven #4053

If God Could Weep

By Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff



Heavenletter #4053 Published on: December 30, 2011

God said:

In terms of the relative world, there are varieties of people, and there are varieties of languages, and, yet, they are all One. You are all One.

Languages grew from the land they arose in, and, yet, all languages are also One, one common denominator, from one common sound.

Languages are not bedlam. Languages grew from the Earth. Certain flowers grow in Alaska, and other flowers grow in Florida, and this is as it is meant to be.

Creating a Harmonious Reality for Everyone; (Everyone Included)

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Creating a Harmonious Reality for Everyone; (Everyone Included)

by Love Reporter  on December 29, 2011


Instead of hurling the latest (and often, most frightening) conspiracy at you or proposing the idea of some super-nefarious anything, I find it more productive and progressive to emphasize the positive, and endorse unconditional love.

THE WAITING IS OVER! a message from Archangel Michael

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The waiting is over!
a message from Archangel Michael
Galactic Love Reporter Robert Theiss


Thursday, 29 December, 2011
“The waiting is over!

Conscious breathing offers a new freedom, a new love for self! Every four seconds, 1000 kisses from Spirit descend into your life. Every minute, another 15,000 kisses await you and yet standing boldly in front of you is your human pride. It believes you must do this alone. In the name of pride, you have attempted to tame the currents of life, control its impact and manage its love for you. Such folly will not be able to withstand the love you have invited in this now moment. Every hour, another 900,000 kisses! The floodgates are open, abundance becomes realized and a new passion for living stirs the heart of the awakened human being. A new day begins, another 21,600,000 kisses await you; cascading over your body, mind and soul. You thought this was going to be difficult? Now would be a very good time to let Spirit love you back!!” Michael

Wishing you the very best for 2012!


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~Galactic Love Reporter, Galactic Free Press Staff and First Contact Team Member Predrag~



Thank you dear Guest at Galactic Free Press... Sometimes is just enough to exchange our energies and expansion happens... This is at least case for me, where other people's questions give me tremendous opportunity to grow, to became true student while bringing teachings from my heart...

~Thank You All Our Helpers~ See you on the Other Side~

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~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Boo Walker~


~Thank You All Our Helpers~ See you on the Other Side~




Thank you to Motherfather God, the Ascended Masters, my Guides, Guardian Angels, Star Family, and to the Light bodies of our ancestors and those yet to come.


This morning, I stand here in yet another doorway. Before I walk through it, I took a moment to glance back. What I saw brought me to tears. Only a few short years ago I was ignorantly caught up in the illusions of that old life. Anger and depression were accepted as side effects of living in a competative democratic society. I felt as though I had no control, and I couldn't tell you what my life path was. Standing in this doorway I still have tender but healing bruises from tearing off those layers of illusion. 



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