~ Barry Rosen: What’s Next: Occupy Consciousness ~

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~ Barry Rosen: What’s Next: Occupy Consciousness ~

What’s Next: Occupy Consciousness

Barry Rosen, Occupy Oakland.org, November 18, 2011 in Open Mic


Now we, and millions of other Americans, wonder aloud and to our selves — what’s next for the Occupy Movement.  The occupation of public spaces as a tactic for gaining sympathetic attention has, it seems, run its course.  Public opinion is often moved by media outlets fronting for corporate public relations teams, grand-standing political demagogues, and the herd of paid prime-time television operatives.


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Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honored we are to be in your presence today. We honor you for your humanity, for your love, for your belief, for your trust and for coming and being part of the energies of the group today. And, of course, when we say group we mean not only the people who are in the room today but also those who will experience the transmission on your internet at a later time.


Everything has changed. Do you feel it? You are in a completely different space than you were when we met just one short month ago in your linear time. The game is on, Dear Ones, energetically it is secured. You have done what many thought could not be done. You have anchored the Christed energy to the point that the New World can begin.

~ What's to Come? ~ 11~27~11

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~ What's to Come? ~



~Galactic Love Reporter Matthew Wayne Clark~



  Soon, the day will come...When we can walk in each others shoes.....and tread the Paths we have taken...Feel the Experiences we've endured....and Share our Hearts Desires....with more than just our Eyes and Ears....

  Soon the Day will come..When Blessings of Inner Peace  Saturate our very core, as these New Templates of the Crystal Matrix return us to the Design of our Creators Original Intention....

  Soon the Day will come, when Gentle Hands Lift us Up, to Astral Heights, or to hold us in a Loving Embrace....

  Soon the Day will come, when Laughter is as common as a Cool Breeze and Every Eye that meets, shall see the tenderness in the Other....

  Soon the Day will come, when Everyone is our Neighbor, our Brother, our Sister, our Family and no Doors need ever be Locked...

~Earth Keeper Power Dates Leading Up To The 12th Wave Of Ascension From James Tyberonn~

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~Earth Keeper Power Dates Leading Up To The 12th Wave Of Ascension From James Tyberonn~

Although the energy will begin to accelerate over the next 4 weeks, it is an excellent time for inward travel. It is an extraordinarily potent  time to examine self. Who you are, where you are heading. It is a time to prepare for the 12th Wave of the Ascension .... for 2012. The 12th wave of the Ascension begins on the New moon of January 23rd, 2012. We are entering the completion of 2011 and the preparation for the heralded Ascension.
  It is of importance to note that the 12th Wave of the Ascension begins on Jan 23rd and extends to December 12, 2012. In truth, per Metatron, the final Triple Date Portal (TDP) , the 12-12-12 is as important as 12-21-12.

~ Dec. 10, 2011: Time for a Worldwide March of Billions ~

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Dec. 10, 2011: Time for a Worldwide March of Billions

2011 November 27
Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

We are the 99%. We are Worldwide. We are Billions

Just so you know, I submitted this article to OpEdNews. It usually takes three days to hear back from them and I had their acceptance within less than half an hour of submission. Obviously the world is ripe for a change of focus and the next step.


We are the 99%. We are Worldwide. And We are Billions.

On Dec,. 10, 2011, let’s join together in a Worldwide March of Billions.

11~27~11~SanJAsKa ~Many of you are now being tested ~

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11~27~11~SanJAsKa ~Many of you are now being tested ~



~Galactic Love Reporter Wes Annac~


Many of you are now being tested to your very cores at this time, and this testing is needed for your Divine self to burst through. Indeed, many of you are noticing that the old energy is now finally coming up for review, and this is review that is needed dear souls. For once you see this lower energy for what it really is, you will be able to grow past it. You will be able to grow into the Divine souls you have always wished to be. We guide to you now, not to let this tumultuous energy wave take you under, not to let yourselves be suppressed, and not to let yourselves feel that your Light is somehow dimmer than another’s, dear souls it is not!

~ The Arcturian Group NOVEMBER 27, 2011 ~

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~ The Arcturian Group NOVEMBER 27, 2011 ~ The Arcturian Group channeled through Marilyn Raffaele via www.onenessofall.com



Greetings dear ones, once again we come to wish you a very happy holiday season in all that you celebrate at this time.


We see many getting caught up in the false sense of this holy time through the encouragement of those who would have you believe that love equals material things–that the more you give or receive, the more love you are showing or being shown.  Please be aware that this is a concept of the old energy, a concept that has grown through the  years  since Christmas was first celebrated in the ways you now celebrate.  Please try not to equate love with  material things.  Yes, gifts can represent  the love you hold for another, but they are only that, a representation. Love can be expressed in many ways.  Ask yourselves as you shop; “What is my intention in this purchase?”


ANNOUNCEMENTS BEFORE CHRISTMAS?~ENVISION St Germain on The Gift of "Thrive", ~Sekhmet's Congratulations

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St Germain on The Gift of "Thrive", ~Sekhmet's Congratulations



11-15-11 Ashtar Teleconference

"Greetings Beloved Family! It is I, St. Germain, and we are indeed thriving with the Love, and the Courage, and the Joy of being together, in mission and in service, and in connection in all of our hearts and in all of our beings. This is a time which is transmutational, transformational. It is a time for everyone to look deep into their hearts and find Courage, and Freedom, yes, and Joy, and Love - Love that needs no explanation, Love that is Universal, unconditional, and energizing to the changes which are happening even now. You have heard some examples. In every aspect of life upon Planet Earth the changes so long awaited, are in progress now.

11~27~11~Todays mandala reflects the energy

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11~27~11~Todays mandala reflects the energy


Sunday's date (27+11+2+0+1+1)= 42/6. Today's mandala reflects the energy of both 6 and 8, and shows their shared link in expressing the vibration of AS ABOVE - SO BELOW. We have 4 present today in 42/6, and 8 is double 4, and you can see the geometric progression from 4 to 8 in the double square, the octahedral 8-pointed star in the outer layer of the mandala. So, BALANCE is the order of the day! All the numbers in 42/6 reflect balance and harmony: 4 is the balanced order of the natural, manifest world, 2 is the fulcrum that balances the differences between opposites, and 6 is the one that integrates the above and the below in the form of the 6-pointed star, or Star of David. The message expressed by the geometry of this form tells us that a perfect balance must be created between the perception and awareness of the material and spiritual realms, and maintained, if we are to fulfill our destiny as human beings. Love and co-operation are the major themes that 42/6 reflects. This mandala expresses the energy of the 6 and the 8, both synonymous with the concept of "AS ABOVE - SO BELOW".
Painted in 2006.

Energy Mandalas reflecting Number frequencies
By: Personal Mandalas



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