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A solar radiation storm is in progress around Earth. At the moment, the storm is classified as minor, which means it has little effect on our planet other than to disturb HF radio transmissions at high latitudes. Bigger effects, however, may be in the offing. The same explosion on Nov. 26th that caused the radiation storm also hurled a CME into space at about 930 km/s (2 million mph). According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the CME will reach Earth on Nov. 28th at 17:21 UT (+/- 7 hours). Click to view an animated forecast track:


~The 2012 Gateway Trajectory~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Owen Waters


~The 2012 Gateway Trajectory~


Recently, I related how a senior member of the spiritual hierarchy – a global spirit who functions as the Lord Protector of The Shift – took me under his wing to act as a messenger for urgent spiritual information.

Under his guidance, I have learned about a principle called the 2012 Gateway Trajectory. This states that the pattern of consciousness that you have on December 21st, 2012 will influence your trajectory through experience for many thousands of years into the future.

The 2012 gateway is rather like a vortex. You enter it from one side, pass through the eye of the vortex where your pattern of consciousness is stamped or fixed within your aura, then you exit the vortex into a whole new set of multi-millennia cosmic cycles bearing that pattern.


11~27~11~ Saul~ ~Truly a time of great joy is approaching~

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~Truly a time of great joy is approaching~



As time rolls rapidly onwards in the illusion many events of enormous significance continue to occur all over the world as the changes that are essential for your well-being are put into effect. The non-mainstream media news channels are giving you brief, uplifting glimpses of what is going on, but when the true nature and extent of what is happening becomes widely known, your delight and amazement will inspire you with unbounded happiness.


~Hilarion's Weekly Message~ November 27-December 4, 2011 ~

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Hilarion's Weekly Message, November 27~December 4, 2011



Beloved Ones,

Each of you is feeling the pressure of opposing forces within yourselves. These energies are being brought into alignment within your Being and these energies manifest as a great feeling of tension, especially in your solar plexus area. Much strength of will is needed at this time in order to stay firmly on your Path. Daily align with your Divinity and see the Divinity in others and all will be well. The opposing forces within you are the last remnants of third dimensional thought patterns, habits and traits and though it is difficult, the only way through them is to experience and accept them by finding the point of balance within.




~11~27~11~ JESUS~ ~Something unusual is going on~

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~Something unusual is going on~


November 27, 2011

With major political and economic changes occurring all over the world no one can any longer claim to be unaware of the fact that something unusual is going on. Events that are going to prove to be of enormous significance for humanity are happening with increasing frequency, and on a scale that has never been seen before. The time for wars and conflicts of any kind is drawing rapidly to a close as the intent to treat every single being with respect, compassion, and love becomes the general energy motivating humanity, replacing that of fear and distrust which has been endemic for eons.

~The Pleiadian High Council: You are the Prime Creators of what you Feel and Experience~

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Wes: I will probably not do all of my PHC channelings in audio format, but I figured I would try it out this time and see how it went. I think it went pretty well. Take it away friends!

~ GFL communication team on Radio Ann ~Preparing for Disclosure~

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GFL communication team on Radio Ann:

Hello, Miss Ann. We are the Galactic Federation of Light coming to you from the communication center. We are in constant contact with you on the inner planes, as are your colleagues and fellow lightworkers. The disclosure you wish to see will indeed occur in a timely and organized way to create the most value and the least disruption, although an event of this magnitude is by definition disruptive.


Nothing in your world will ever be the same when we make our appearance into human society. Religion - we mean the big organized institutions - will be threatened as never before. Expect the most virulent attacks and resistance from that quarter. If the organizations that have controlled you for so long no longer have the claim to the ultimate understanding of life and the universe, they have no firm ground upon which to stand. In other words, they will collapse under their own weight. This is the factor that we are most concerned about, since many humans rely on churches to tell them what to do and how to live. Where then, will they look? If they (and we refer here to what some of you satirically call "sheeple") can't get their heads around the new paradigm, you can expect to see a fair number of people go predictably nuts.


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