~SaLuSa 23~November~2011~ POWER TO THE PEOPLE

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  SaLuSa  23~November~2011

People power is growing and what you are seeing around the world is how successful you can be when you group together in a common purpose. It may take time to achieve complete success, but once you set the ball rolling its momentum will carry it forward. Governments will take note of your demands or ignore them at their peril. You have created the conditions that allow us and others to come to your aid, and naturally we work behind the scenes, and our influence helps direct activities in a way that is beneficial to you. As you know we monitor what is happening now, and also what is planned by the dark Ones. We endeavour to set you on a path that is the least volatile, and likely to avoid violent confrontation. The more the authorities clamp down on peaceful demonstrations, the more support they gain. The world population is waking up now as to how it has been enslaved for eons of time, and will not cease its claims for change until the people's sovereignty is returned.

~11~22~11 Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation i

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~Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation~



       10 Cimi, 19 Xul, 8 Manik        

Dratzo! We return with more to say about your world and its divine transformation. As Gaia moves ever closer to altering your surface reality, the Agarthans are using their abilities to prevent the dark from having any hope of mounting a comeback. Right now the Agarthans have teamed up with our Earth allies and a general plan has been put into effect, the first part of which was the dismantling of the vast network of underground and deep underwater bases maintained for decades by various secret governments. This major military action has now been achieved. The dark has lost tens of thousands of vital personnel and is denied the services of most of its exotic research scientists and technicians. Despite this, it was not until the recent arrests of mid-level personnel that the illuminoids became really panicked; they now know that their own arrest is near. Those who have for so long 'managed' your world see the time is rapidly approaching when each of them must face the large crowds of angry citizens they once so arrogantly manipulated. And the roundup strategy does indeed include these 'kings of darkness.'

~Ascension Update After the success of 11.11.11.~

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The 11.11.11. Light surge was downloaded by God Source into the earth,pretty much as we download from the internet.

And with humanity joining forces on earth,combining their light and energies,this was a brilliant success.

This update is from spirit and a message to those who expected physical changes to occur.
Humanity needs to change first,your reality will follow.

music by Ken Davies..'Now I've Found You.'

~11~22~11~~Finishing What JFK Started~

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~Finishing What JFK Started~

2011 November 22
Posted by Galactic Love ReporterSteve Beckow~

One of the ways we can gauge the impact of events is through markers. Nov. 22 each year is a marker. Each year on this date I feel a wave of grief, knowing that it’s the day on which President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. I don’t imagine there’s a person of my generation who was not affected.

On 11/22 each year (what remarkable numbers the day has), I also have tremendously-fond memories. But this is the first year in which that event has been largely overwhelmed by what is actually happening. It’s the first year, for me, that so many people are actually matching JFK in their commitment to peace and freedom.

MELCHIZEDEK ~ November 22, 2011

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Beloved Ones,

We begin this discourse by focusing your attention on your own core essence. Inside each of you there is a crystalline core that has been with you since your first sojourn upon this Planet. This core essence of you has experienced all that can be experienced upon this World of duality and polar opposites and in the process, lost its direction along the way. In this current lifetime, you have each been traveling the road back to remembrance of the Light that lives within you and now that Divine Essence is blossoming into life.


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