~Archangel Michael’s Interview with Casey: Transcript~

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~Archangel Michael’s Interview with Casey: Transcript~

2011 November 21
Posted by Steve Beckow


Archangel Michael’s Interview with Casey: Transcript

Interview: Nov. 19, 2011

In this transcript, Archangel Michael looks at the pre-NESARA Bridge Program and Disclosure. Thanks to Jay for this transcript and Ellen who was also working on a version.

Linda: This is a reading with Linda Dillon and the Council of Love on Nov 19 2011

Ben Fulford: Rothschild Family Rep Leaves Japan Empty~Handed

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Ben Fulford: Rothschild Family Rep Leaves Japan Empty~Handed

2011 November 22
Commentary by Steve Beckow

Thanks to Kauila via Jean H. Jean H. started her blog a few months back and it has become a really dependable source of information.

It goes without saying that I don’t share Ben’s view of President Obama. I don’t know Prime Minister Gillard well enough to have an estimation of her. The galactics know who is corrupt and will be removed and who is not.  I personally don’t wish to criticize a person I’m not familiar with.


Benjamin Fulford 11-21-11…”Rothschild family representative leaves Japan empty-handed…”

Posted on November 21, 2011


~Messages from Michael on NESARA, Disclosure, 11~11~11, etc.~

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~Messages from Michael on NESARA, Disclosure, 11~11~11, etc.~

2011 November 21
Posted by Steve Beckow

Linda will be transcribing Susan’s mp3. I’m waiting to hear back on Casey’s. BZ is making a video of each of them.

We have two very interesting readings today from Archangel Michael through Linda. The first is from Casey, in which AA Michael discusses “how we are doing,” what 11/11/11 has begun, and where it’s going.  He discusses the chaos that is still apparent around us. He talks about the economic decay happening now.

JESUS~~Essential changes are being put into effect with great rapidity~

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Jesus through John Smallman~






Eva Viola Stella


~Essential changes are being put into effect with great rapidity~


Your time of struggle is drawing to a close as the moment for your most glorious awakening draws nearer. It has been a long and painful journey that has often seemed endless, as you strove to understand the meaning that it had for you with the severely limited mental abilities you had allowed your bodies to offer you. It has indeed been confusing as you tried to make sense of the illusion which has no meaning, except to convince you that what you have experienced within it was God’s Will for you. God’s Will for you is that you have eternal joy, not the pain and suffering of the illusion! He wants you to awaken from it, He intends that you do so, and so you shall.

TAUK ~ Private Message from GSLXUUTUSKGU to Me ~ Conscious Love

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Laura: Good day Gslxuutuskgu. Thank you for contacting me today. I wanted first to introduce you to our readers. You have identified your name as Gslxuutuskgu, you are working with the GFL, but are not GFL yourself, and are not part of it yourself. You do work however with SaLuSa and Settufeut, and are a male, non human of the God level and Christed level of consciousness. Your planet is unknown to any of us. SaLuSa and Settufeut are here with and I here also. And you wish to give a private message today. Is this information correct?
(SaLuSa and Settufeut have spelt out both their names on my TAUK chart, and have confirmed their presence in the room with me. We are four in my room today.)
Gslxuutuskgu: The information stated is perfectly correct. My message is short and simple. You and your friends are honouring our presence, we are stationed in the vicinity of your planet.


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